Adherence to Congestive Heart Failure with reduced Ejection Fraction (CHFrEF) guidelines is not easily attainable everywhere, particularly in countries with a high prevalence of low socioeconomic status, which includes many Middle Eastern countries. However, it is well-established that adherence to the...
The safety and efficacy of long-term oral milrinone therapy were evaluated over a 2½ year period in 100 patients who had severe congestive heart failure despite conventional therapy. Long-term oral milrinone therapy (27 ± 8 mg/day initial dose) was well tolerated; drug-related side effects...
A NOVEL COMPUTER BASED STATISTICS FOR IDENTIFYING THE RISK ASSESSMENT TO THE PATIENTS IN THE CASE OF CONGESTIVE HEART FAILUREA risk analysis framework was used to examine the implementation barriers that may hamper the successful implementation of inter organizational clinical information systems). In ...
In recent decades, there has been mounting evidence to suggest that, in addition to the well-established hemodynamic and neurohumoral hypotheses of heart failure, inflammation may also contribute significantly to the pathogenesis and progression of the disease. This recognition has led to the emergence...
Major reported statistics for HF include: High prevalence (1–3% in adult population). An incidence of 1–20 cases per 1000 population. High mortality: from 30 days mortality of 2–3% to five years mortality of 50–75%. Increased treatment costs. Mainly due to the increase of people over...
Congestive heart failure (CHF) is one of the primary sources of mortality and morbidity among the global population. Over 26 million individuals globally are affected by heart disease, and its prevalence is rising by 2% yearly. With advances in healthcar
obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome;chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;congestive heart failure;overlap syndrome 1. Introduction In 1985, David C. Flenely first used the term “overlap syndrome” (OS) to characterize the combination of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and obstructive...
In the present work, an automated method to diagnose Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) using Heart Rate Variability (HRV) signals is proposed. This method is based on Flexible Analytic Wavelet Transform (FAWT), which decomposes the HRV signals into different sub-band signals. Further, Accumulated Fu...
Retrospective Study of the Association between Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome on Admission to a Rural Referral Center in East Java, Indonesia, and the Incidence of New Symptomatic Heart Failure at 6 Months. Med. Sci. Monit. 2022, 28, e935002. [Google ...
Patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) demonstrate a rightward and downward shift, even when the response is expressed as FENa, and thus are relatively diuretic resistant. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [67]. 2022, Karger. The “ceiling dose” refers to the single dose amount that...