心力衰竭 Congestive Heart Failure第四军医大学西京医院心血管内科 何争概念由于心脏的收缩和/或舒张功能受损,心排血量绝对或相对减少,致使不能满足机体代谢需要,同时使肺循环和/或体循环瘀血而形成的临床综合征。病因各种心脏病:如冠心病、高血压病(在西方为首要原因:75%有高血压病史,25%高血压为唯一原因)、心肌炎...
以至不能满足机体代谢需要的病理过程Congestiveheartfailure.ppt,Cardiac insufficiency Introduction What is the normal cardiac structure and function? Structure Function pumping blood endocrine Process of pumping blood excitation contration pumping blood Car
Congestive Heart Failure。Heart Failure Definition ? Heart failure (HF) HF is a complex clinical syndrome that can result fr Heart Failure Definition ? Heart failure (HF) HF is a complex clinical syndrome that can result from any cardiac disorder that impairs the ability of the ventricle to ...
Congestive Heart Failure pptcongestive heart failure ppt
Congestive heart failure Congestiveheartfailure 108642035-45-55-65-75+44546474MF REVIEWOFPULMONARYANDSYSTEMICCIRCULATION SystemiccirculationVenacavaRightatriumLowO2RightventricleLeftatrium aortaLeftventricleHighO2 Pulmonaryatriumlungs Pulmonaryvein ClinicalSymptoms ShortnessofbreathPersistentcoughorwheezingFatigueandweakness...
以至不能满足机体代谢需要的病理过程Congestiveheartfailure.PPT,Cardiac insufficiency Introduction What is the normal cardiac structure and function? Structure Function pumping blood endocrine Process of pumping blood excitation contration pumping blood Car
Factors exacerbating congestive heart failureTechnology and Engineeringdoi:10.1016/S1071-9164(98)90425-0ItaruMaedaandAtsushiTamadaandItohKazusukeandAkiraJournal of Cardiac Failure
Aspromonte N, Feola M, Scardovi AB, Coletta C, et al. Early diagnosis of congestive heart failure: clinical utility of B-type natriuretic peptide testing associated with Doppler echocardiography. J Cardiovasc Med (Hage...
Neurohormonal control in congestive heart failure is a broad topic involving several mechanisms: natriuretic peptides, renin-angiotensin, vasopressin, and the autonomic nervous system. New investigations highlighting the role of the endothelium in secreting vasodilating and vasoco...
DIURETICS TESTED IN PATIENTS WITH CONGESTIVE HEART FAILUREInpharma Weekly -doi:10.1007/BF03284615Springer International PublishingInpharma