治疗心力衰竭的药物DrugsfortheTreatmentofCongestiveHeart.ppt,* * * 洋地黄化概念:心率控制在70~80次/分,尿量明显增加,呼吸困难减轻,紫绀消失,浮肿消退,肿大的肝脏缩小等 * * * * 奎尼丁抑制肝药酶,增加地高辛的血药浓度;维拉帕米抑制地高辛从肾小管分泌,增加地
1抗慢性心功能不全药物used in congestive heart failure)(Drugs 收藏 分享 下载 举报 用客户端打开
DrugsUsedinCongestiveHeartFailure 概述 充血性心力衰竭(congestiveheartfailure,CHF)是一种多原因多表现的“超负荷心肌病”,此时心脏不能将静脉回心血量充分地排出,而造成动脉系统供血不足及静脉系统淤血,引起的一系列临床症状和体征,故又称为慢性心功能不全(chroniccardiacinsufficiency)(一)CHF时的病理生理学变化...
概述-心力衰竭的类型 (1)收缩功能衰竭:themechanicalpumpingaction(contractility)andtheejectionfractionoftheheartarereduced.(2)舒张功能衰竭:stiffeningandlossofadequaterelaxationplaysamajorroleinreducingcardiacoutputandejectionfractionmaybenormal.e.g.Pericarditis(心包炎)(3)高输出型衰竭:canresultfromhyperthyroidism(...
Diuretic Drugs in Congestive Heart FailureCONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE/therapyDIURETICS/therapeutic usedoi:10.1016/s0025-7125(16)34447-9C. Thorpe Ray M.D. *E.H. Bresler M.D. **Medical Clinics of North America
Pharmacotherapy of congestive heart failure. Currently used and experimental drugs 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 24 作者: PAV Zwieten 摘要: A survey is given of the currently used therapeutics in the treatment of chronic congestive heart failure. Symptomatic treatment is usually performed along the...
Sudden cardiac death and congestive heart failure : diagnosis and treatment : proceedings of the Symposium on New Drugs and Devices, held at Philadelphia, ... Sudden cardiac death and congestive heart failure : diagnosis and treatment : proceedings of the Symposium on New Drugs and Devices, held...
Hemodynamic effect of captopril in hypertension and congestive heart failure, in contrast with vasodilating effect of nitroprusside HEMODYNAMIC EFFECT OF CAPTOPRIL IN HYPERTENSION AND CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE, IN CONTRAST WITH VASODILATING EFFECT OF NITROPRUSSIDE : Cardiovascular drugs (I) : FREE COMMUNICATI...
Drugs proved to reduce mortality in chronic congestive heart failure include all of the followings EXCEPTA.captoprilB.carvedilolC.digoxinD.enalaprilE.spironolactone的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(shuashuati.com)是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷
Static exercise with congestive heart failure and the response to vasodilating drugsdoi:10.1016/S0002-9149(87)80079-6The hemodynamic response to static exercise in 28 patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) was compared with that in 8 control subjects. Static handgrip exercise at 50% of ...