Whether you or a loved one has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure, the number and type of diagnosis and treatment options can be overwhelming. This invaluable resource offers the guidance and advice you need. Written by a prominent physician and by a leader in patient support for this...
Cholesterol lowering drugs (statins):This is used only for those patients who have ahigh cholesterollevel and have had a case of heart attack in the past. This class of drugs is not used to treat heart failure, but other conditions as indicated. Digoxin:There are some heart failure patients...
Needs help for nausea.(HEART HEALTH: ASK DR. ZIPES: A noted cardiologist answers your questions.)(congestive heart failure)(Brief article)Zipes, Douglas
It is implemented as web based questionnaire application .Based on the user answers, it can discover and extract hidden knowledge (patterns and relationships) associated with heart disease from a historical heart disease databank. It can answer difficult queries for analysing heart disease and thus ...
This study reviews the renal aspects of diuretic resistance occurring in diuretic treatment, mostly with loop diuretics of congestive heart failure. A short discussion on the different classes of diuretics, including the recently introduced sodium-glucos
heart failure patients. The calibration of the XGBoost and LASSO regression models was also quite good. According to this study, in a paired comparison, the XGBoost and LASSO regression models achieved better predicted performance than the Guidelines-Heart Failure (GWTG-HF) risk score model. Gu ...