【疾病名】小儿先天性心脏病【英文名】Pediatriccongenitalheartdisease.PDF,【疾病名】小儿先天性心脏病 【英文名】Pediatric congenital heart disease 【缩写】 【别名】 【ICD号】 【概述】 先天性心脏病是先天性畸形中最常见的一类。随着心脏诊断方法及介入治疗 和外科
1、先天性心脏病 congenital heart disease主讲:定义先天性心脏病(congenital heart disease)是由于胎儿的心脏在母体内发育有缺陷或部分发育停顿所造成的畸形。分类先心病包括:房间隔缺损、室间隔缺损、动脉导管未闭、二叶主动脉瓣、主动脉缩窄、肺动脉瓣狭窄、三尖瓣下移畸形、主动脉窦动脉廇,法洛四联症、艾森曼格...
35阅读文档大小:1.0M12页cmh43506上传于2015-01-22格式:PDF Pulmonary valve replacement in chronic pulmonary regurgitation in adults with congenital heart disease Impact of preoperative QRS-duration and NT-proBNP levels on postoperative right ventricula.. ...
1、Congenital Heart Disease,Cardiovascular Development,Key periods:the 2nd 8th weeks,Fetal Circulation,Physiological Changes in the Circulation After Birth,Changes in the pulmonary circulation Closure of the ductus arteriosus Closure of foramen ovale Arrest of circulation through the placenta,Epidemiol 2、...
adolescent age and heart transplantation outcomes in myocarditis or congenital heart disease:心肌炎或先天性心脏病的青少年年龄和心脏移植结局.pdf,Adolescent age and heart transplantation outcomes in myocarditis or congenital heart disease Jill Savla, MD,a
Congenital Heart Disease.An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.2307/2263637KellyJames FAcademic Medicine
congenital heart diseasecongenital heart malformationsechocardiographyleft-to-right shunting lesionspatent ductus arteriosusregurgitant valve lesionsstenotic valve lesionsdoi:10.1002/9781119501237.ch24Brian A. ScansenDepartment of Clinical Sciences Colorado State University Fort Collins CO USA...
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is comprised of a vast array of anatomic variations producing specific alterations of physiology which are manifest in a limited number of clinical presentations. The number of anatomic combinations in CHD are so numerous that they defy memorization. A simple and logica...
Cite this chapter Backer, C.L., Mavroudis, C. (2003). Congenital Heart Disease. In: Essential Practice of Surgery. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/0-387-22744-X_44 Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/0-387-22744-X_44 ...
Dr Perloffs The Clinical Recognition of Congenital Heart Disease, now in its fourth edition, continues to occupy a unique place among pediatric cardiology