toe-to-handtransfercongenitaldeformityToe-to-hand transfer is a well established procedure and is one of the best ways of reconstructing the missing fingers or parts of fingers. In congenital deformities of fingers and hands such as absence of digits, second toe transfer may create the grip ...
spinocerebellar disorder- any of several congenital disorders marked by degeneration of the cerebellum and spinal cord resulting in spasticity and ataxia hyperdactyly,polydactyly- birth defect characterized by the presence of more than the normal number of fingers or toes ...
The aim of this paper is to discuss some aspects of the procedure and to evaluate achieved results. All our four patients were operated on when they were over 10 years of age. 展开 关键词: microsurgery toe-to-hand transfer congenital deformity ...
A case of monstrous deformity of the right hand in a six-year-old girl is reported. The index, middle and ring fingers showed extreme macrodactyly including the metacarpals belonging to these fingers. This deformity, which was associated with syndactyly of the middle and ring fingers, was caus...
Laryngeal atresia607132Hydrocephaly, complete or partial laryngeal obstruction, tracheoesophageal fistula or atresia, renal hypoplasia, varus deformity of feetUnknown Meckel-Gruber24900, 603194 607301Microcephaly, posterior encephalocele, eye anomalies, cleft palate, polycystic kidneys, polydactylyAutosomal recess...
Coordination of hand deformity parents: Avoid afraidness Jianghai lecture Updating date:14-10-2021 1:04 Floating thumb: stable palm. Really flexible skin pedicle Jianghai lecture 2238 views Updating date:14-10-2021 Floating Thumb: Successfully Protecting Five Fingers | Case 6 ...
(SEPN1-related myopathy) andLMNA-related CMD, associated with defects ofLaminA/C.Prenatal diagnosisis possible from either direct immunohistochemicalstainingofchorionic villiormolecular geneticstudies. In addition tomuscular weakness, patients may develop spine rigidity/deformity,joint contractures, respir...
They may also not notice if they have fractures, dislocations (where bones are forced out of their normal position), and joint damage. This can gradually cause long-term deformity and disability. People with CIP need to routinely examine themselves to check for injuries they haven't noticed....
Findings noted only once included flexion deformity Genetics in medicine | Volume 19 | Number 2 | February 2017 165 Original Research Article LAM et al | Natural history of NGLY1-CDDG of the fingers, hallux valgus, sclerotic lesion of the distal femur, thinning of the fibulas, prominent apo...
We propose to include in this group the Madelung deformity, the Kirner deformity and congenital trigger fingers and trigger thumbs. In group I the radial and ulnar deficiencies, limited to the hand without forearm deficlencies should be Included. Triphalangeal thumbs are a problem, we suggest it...