Although the Vietnam Land Law (2003) aims at facilitating the development of a land market, there are still impediments to the growth of the land market due to a lack of access to land information. Consequently, land information users depend on personal contacts or approach land sellers ...
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Cong Ty Co Phan Long Van Hai Tam - Ks Long Beach 17, Độc Lập, Phường 7, Phường 7, Thành Phố Tuy Hoà, Phú Yên, Vietnam, 绥和显示地图 选择房间 查看所有22张照片 暂无评分 8.23公里 查看地图房间政策 2月22日(周六) - 2月23日(周日), 1间, 1位 选择房间1...
CONGHOAXAHOICHUNGHIAVIETNAM Doclap-Tydo-Hanhphiic S6:^:>0/BHXH-CST BinhThuan,ngay^^thdng 03nam2015 V/vhuongdanmotsonoidungvecap, quanlyvasudungtheBHYTthuc hientheoLuatsuadoi,bosungmotso Di^uLuatBHYT. Kinhgiii:-CacdanvisudunglaodongdoBaohiemxahoi ...
Hung, L.M.; Khang, N.D.; Tu, L.X.; Phong, N.C.; Chuong, L.T.; Hoang, T.B.Study on the Flow Regime and the Distribution of Coastal Sediments from Soai Rap Estuary to Tieu Estuary, and Propose Solutions to Prevent Erosion of Go Cong Sea Dyke; National Program granted by the ...