Quan Cong Temple is located at 24 Tran Phu Street, Cam Chau Ward, Hoi An City, Quang Nam Province. To avoid the rush, the best time to visit the temple is early morning before noon or late evening after 4 PM. Also, the weather is pleasant during these hours, making it convenient to...
位于太原省 Thai Nguyen 越南省市县如下:广宁省 Quang Ninh 省会:下龙市(鸿基市)面积:5899平方公里 人口:105.56万(2003)1 海宁县 Hai Ninh『治芒街』『现已改设为芒街市 Mong Cai』 2 广河县 Guang Ha『治广河』『现已分拆为海河县与谭河县』 2a 海河县 Hai Ha『治广河』2b 谭河县 Dam...