"""Compute confusion matrix to evaluate the accuracy of a classification. By definition a confusion matrix :math:`C` is such that :math:`C_{i, j}` is equal to the number of observations known to be in group :math:`i` and predicted to be in group :math:`j`. Thus in binary class...
是的,我已经删除了标题和图像,但现在出现了一个错误:plot_confusion_matrix()缺少2个必需的位置参数:'X'和'y_true',而我的代码看起来像cm = confusion_matrix(test_generator.classes, y_pred) plot_confusion_matrix(cm, labels = category_names)。 - maarij qamar test_generator.classes,y_pred - Subbu...
>>> confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, labels=["ant", "bird", "cat"]) array([[2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 2]]) In the binary case, we can extract true positives, etc as follows: >>> tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix([0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 0]).rav...
confusion_matrix函数解释 返回值:混淆矩阵,其第i行和第j列条目表示真实标签为第i类、预测标签为第j类的样本数。 预测 01 真实0 1
CNN之性能指标:卷积神经网络中常用的性能指标(IOU/AP/mAP、混淆矩阵)简介、使用方法之详细攻略 sklearn.metrics中常用的函数参数 confusion_matrix函数解释 返回值:混淆矩阵,其第i行和第j列条目表示真实标签为第i类、预测标签为第j类的样本数。 预测 01 真实0 1...