(target value) in the test data. One of the advantages of using confusion matrix asevaluation toolis that it allows moredetailed analysis(such as if the model is confusing two classes), than simple proportion of correctly classified examples (accuracy) which can give misleading results if the ...
The success rate or the accuracy of the model can be easily calculated using the 2x2 confusion matrix. The formula for calculating accuracy is - Here, the TP, TN, FP, AND FN will represent the particular value counts that belong to them. The accuracy will be calculated by summing and div...
Confusion matrix True positive False positive False negative True negative Analysis results Accuracy Precision Recall F1 score True positive rate False negative rate False positive rate True negative rate False discovery rate Matthews correlation coefficient Share resultReload calculator ...
(X,y,clf, show_accuracy=True, show_classification_report=True, show_confusion_matrix=True): """ 多指标来评估模型 :param X: 测试集 :param y: 真实结果 :param clf: 模型 :param show_accuracy: 显示正确率 :param show_classification_report: 显示分类报告 :param show_confusion_matrix: :return:...