List of Institutes: Listed by alphabetical order according to country of location. Afghanistan Confucius Institute (Chinese Department) at Kabul University Albania Confucius Institute at University of Tirana Angola Confucius Institute at Agostinho Neto University Antigua and Barbuda Confucius Institute at Ant...
Confucius Institutes are sprouting from Sri Lanka to Nigeria to promote the study of Mandarin. 从斯里兰卡到尼日利亚等地都建立了孔子学院以推广汉语。 ProjectSyndicate With, for example, China bullying the Philippines over possession of disputed islands in the South China Sea, the Confucius Institute...
"After training, qualified TCSL teachers will go abroad and teach there for two years. The recruitment and training process is a big task." The fruits of that talent search are teachers like Liu Chengcheng, Chen Ling and Chen Huangchao, who arrived with 21 colleagues in the Philippines a ...
Liu Chengcheng, a graduate student 研究生 from Dalian, is learning as she goes while teaching in Davos 达沃斯, the third largest city in the Philippines. "When teaching foreign students, the teachers have to be very creative and thoughtful in lesson planning. Unlike Chinese students, foreign ...
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