阳春3月,英国卡迪夫大学孔子学院捷报频传。 更多 孔院活动 牛年开春喜事多:卡迪夫孔子学院2021年2月系列精彩活动集锦 2021年新春伊始,英国卡迪夫大学孔子学院的语言文化活动目不暇接、精彩纷呈。 一 更多 汉语学习 卡迪夫大学孔子学院开启线上“汉语角”系列文化讲座之“中国旅游和地理” 2021年5月6日晚上六点三十...
社团类别(英文) Confucius Institute 联系人 N/A 联系电话 +44 (0)29 2087 6053 Email confucius@cardiff.ac.uk 网站 www.cardiff.ac.uk/confucius-institute 地址 Cardiff Confucius Institute, School of Modern Languages, Cardiff University, 66a Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AS 上一个社团:奥斯特...
Confucius Institute at Cardiff University held the 5th Wales China School Forum 教学论坛威尔士学院孔子中国大学组成部分伙伴关系摘要:海外华文教育动态
Confucius Institute at University of Brasilia Confucius Institute at the University of Pernambuco Confucius Institute at the State University of Campinas Confucius Institute for Chinese Medicine at the Federal University of Goi谩s Confucius Institute at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Confuc...
We offeraward-winning creative courses, innovative teaching and inspiring learning locations across three main campuses in south-west Wales –Carmarthen,LampeterandSwansea– as well as campuses inBirminghamandLondonandlearning centres in Cardiff.
英文名Confucius Institute at Ulster University 社团类别英国孔子学院 社团类别(繁体)英國孔子學院 社团类别(英文)Confucius Institute 联系人Yan Liu 联系电话+44 (0)28 95 367398 Email[email protected] 网站www.ulster.ac.uk/confucius/ 地址Room BA02039, Ulster University, York Street, Belfast, BT15 1ED...