The teachings of Confucius have had an enormous influence on Chinese culture and society. They have shaped the thinking and actions of people and remain relevant to this day. Confucian ideas have also found their way into other parts of the world, influencing the understanding of morality, ethic...
英文论文—《ConfucianismandItsPractice儒家思想及其实际应用》.doc,PAGE i 毕业论文 儒家思想及其实际应用 张超 学号:030910313 指导教师:夏宏钟 专业名称:英语 专业方向:经贸英语 作者单位:外文系 年级班级:03级4班 四川理工学院 2007年6月 Confucianism an
Yet, as Li points out, Confucianism cannot remain a world philosophy and religion if it continues to ignore the issue of sexism and fails to respond to the feminist critique of its role in women-oppressive practices (p. 1). Li's anthology is an attempt to reconcile this antagonistic ...
In his2005article “Bad Management Theories Are Destroying Good Management Practices,” Ghoshal brought to light the specific ideologies underlying and driving management education and practice today. His critique of the simplistic and presumed “value-free” scientific model taught at universities and con...
Virtus Is Good Business: Confucianism as a Practical Business Ethic.This paper argues Confucianism is a compelling managerial ethic for several reasons: 1) Confucianism is compatible with accepted managerial practices. 2) It requires individuals and organizations to make a positive contribution to ...
tenents of Confucianism and its evolution, and explores its unique contribution to socio-cultural practices on gender-based oppression in social work practice.FINDINGS: The yin-yang (陰-陽) relation is originally a cosmic idea that is cyclical and harmonizing, but not oppositional and contradictory...
What are some religious practices of Daoism? How did Taoism and Confucianism coexist? How is Taoism the opposite of Confucianism? Who did Confucius teach? What are Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism called collectively? What does Daoism teach about nature?
fully developed views on the human nature and the ultimate meaning of life. Unlike monotheistic religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, it does not recognize any divine beings or their supernatural powers, but it had developed the highly refined practices and rituals of ancestor worship...
has been a guiding star in the vast sky of Chinese philosophy for over two millennia. His teachings, known collectively as Confucianism, are not just a set of philosophical ideas but the bedrock of Chinese culture, ethics...
the self-cultivation of virtues and the revival of the ethics of the early Zhou dynasty to restore social harmony. After the death of Confucius, Confucianism was spread by his followers, giving new characteristics to the Confucian doctrines, with an enriched content of Confucian practices and a ...