THE EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY OF CONFUCIUS AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE PHILOSOPHICAL INNOVATION OF EDUCATION IN VIETNAM NOWADAYS In the history of human thought, Confucius' thought is prominent in Chinese philosophy. The value of Confucius' philosophical thought has transcended space... DX Bui,KT Pham -...
The article "Educational Philosophy and Educational Practice in Confucianism" explores the roots of Confucian educational thought within the broader context of Chinese civilization, particularly focusing on the Zhou Dynasty. It discusses the importance of virtue, self-cu...
It is a theory system created by Confucius integrating morality, society, politics, education, philosophy and religion. The Four Books and Five Classics are the classical books of Confucianism, fully recording Confucian essence such as "mercy", "justice" and "courtesy". Confucianism has profound ...
confucianism(儒家学派)ChineseCultureChinesePhilosophyandReligion 24 1 Translation 儒家,道家,佛家(教)百家争鸣,焚书坑儒,罢黜百家,独尊儒术 翻译:儒家学说为春秋时期孔丘所创,倡导血亲人伦、现世事功、修身存养、道德理性,其中心思想是孝、悌、忠、信、礼、义、廉、耻,其核心是“仁”...
educational philosophy, moral teaching, cultural attitudes, and historical course. In the first part of this thesis, I’ll give detailed introductions about Confucianism. There are the background of Confucianism and its historical process. Mainly, the paper includes ...
philosophy, and become familiar with the ethical values that influence daily life. Explore the concepts of Ren, Li, and Xiao—the core elements of Confucianism. Understand how Confucianism has shaped and continues to shape Chinese society, from family structures to education and governance. Compare ...
(Philosophy) the ethical system of Confucius, emphasizing moral order, the humanity and virtue of China's ancient rulers, and gentlemanly education Conˈfucianistn Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003,...
Confucianism,one of the various schools of pre-Qin philosophy. Confucianism is created by Confucius, and gradually developed to a complete Confucianism system. Since then, it dominated the Chinese ancient thoughts and had great influence to ancient China. For more than thousand years it has moulded...
also greatly indebted to the Professors and teachers in the Department of English: Zhu Wenjun, Wu Chunrong, who have instructed and helped me a lot. Last, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving consideration and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe ...
16、 of Confu2421 In teaching people, there is no discrimination (of class, type, etc.)有教无类His Philosophy of Education疾豪捅词捕击二候禽碎介涡良喧狗妈旦寥动节麦番梢婚裙糜狙冈犁陨景奉confucianism儒家学说confucianism儒家学说2421 In teaching people, the2422His Philosophy of EducationLearnin...