Unlike early Confucianism, with its predominantly ethical and political conceptions, questions of ontology, natural philosophy, and cosmogony occupied an important place in neo-Confucianism. One of the founders of neo-Confucianism, the 11th-century thinker Chou Tun-i, advanced the concept of the Great...
2. The Master said, ‘What is the good of being ready with the tongue? They who encounter men with smartnesses of speech for the most part procure themselves hatred. I know not whether he be truly virtuous, but why should he show readiness of the tongue?’CHAP. V. The Master was ...
For Plato, philosophy was concerned with the study about death and the afterlife. In Republic Book 10, Plato taught the immortality of the soul and the beautiful and true life after death. Leo Strauss understood that Plato's turn to myths about the gods and the rewards and the punishments ...
The Multiple Dimensions of Confucian Relational Ethics and the “Way of Being With” by Zhongjiang Wang 1,2 1 School of Philosophy, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China 2 Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China Religions 2022, 13(10),...
Government and society in China were grounded in the Confucian philosophy, which held that there was a basic order in the universe and a natural harmony linking man, nature, and the cosmos (heaven) ; it also held that man was by nature a social being, and that the natural order ...
Government and society in China were grounded in the Confucian philosophy, which held that there was a basic order in the universe and a natural harmony linking man, nature, and the cosmos (heaven) ; it also held that man was by nature a social being, and that the natural order ...
500 BC CONFUCIAN ANALECTS Confucius Confucius (~551-479 BC) - The great Chinese philosopher whose ideas and teachings became China's major philosophy by the second century BC. Analects (500 BC) - One of the Chinese Four Books, the principle works of Confucianism. The Analects are a ...
philosophy and humanism is “not the humanism that denies or slights a Supreme Power, but one that professes the unity of man and Heaven” (p. 3). In contrast to Western humanism, which is based on secularism and devalues things that are associated with nature, the spiritual and naturalist...
25 The birth of theoretical mathematics in Liu Hui’s 劉徽 commentary to the Jiuzhang suanshu (263) was intertwined with “dark learning” (xuanxue 玄學) philosophy (Guo 1984), so it is only natural that Zu—the second great Chinese mathematician—might have had an equal exegetical interest ...