Confocal fluorescence microscopy of leaf cells: An application of Bayesian image analysis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (47): 361–377.Hurn MA (1998). Confocal fluorescence microscopy of leaf cells: an application of Bayesian image analysis. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. C...
Excitation: 800nm CW laser (25mW under objective); fluorescence collection band: >950>950nm; scanning speed: 10μμs/pixel, PMT voltage: 500V. Scale bar: 100μμm. (d) Hepatocyte images of the mouse. (i) Top side view of hepatocellular 3D reconstructed image. (ii) The hepatocyte ...
Extended live-cell imaging with TauSTED Xtend. Combined spatial and lifetime information allow super-resolution microscopy at extremely low light dose. Expand Your Research With our modular concept, you can tailor your confocal microscope to your current needs and upgrade with additional functionalities...
These galleries contains fluorescence images captured with the FV300, FV500, and FV1000 under a variety of experimental conditions and scanning modes.
Confocal microscopy is a non-invasive method of optical imaging that may provide microscopic images of untreated tissue that correspond almost perfectly to hematoxylin- and eosin-stained slides. Nowadays, following two confocal imaging systems are availa
Quantitative Colocalization Analysis of Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Images Colocalization is an important finding in many cell biological studies. This unit describes a protocol for quantitative evaluation of images with colocaliz... V Zinchuk,O Zinchuk - John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 被引量: 226...
Purpose : To investigate the intrinsic autofluorescent (AF) granules in the retinal epithelium (RPE) cells of mouse retina and their AF emission properties using multicolor confocal fluorescent microscopy (MCFM). Compare the in vivo recorded spectra with ex vivo measured spectra with MCFM for the ...
Confocal Microscopy Imaging with laser excitation and pinhole detection of fluorescence. Fluorophore Co-Localization Detecting the presence of two or more molecules at the same physical location. Multiphoton Microscopy Unique excitation scheme that reduces photobleaching and phototoxicity. Resonant Scanning Confo...
( 1995b ). Quantitative fluorescence confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) . Handbook of Biological Fluorescence Microscopy , 2nd edn . (ed. by J.B.Pawley ), pp. 39 – 53 . Plenum Press, New York .D. R Sandison, et al. "Quantitative Fluorescence Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope"....
ImageXpress Micro Confocal system a high-content imaging, confocal microscopy solutions for both widefield and confocal imaging of fixed and live cells. Learn how the spinning disc confocal and sCMOS camera enable quality imaging of fast and rare events.