camus-run kafka-console-producer kafka-reassign-partitions kafka-server-stop ksql-run-class zookeeper-security-migration confluent kafka-consumer-groups kafka-replay-log-producer kafka-simple-consumer-shell ksql-server-start zookeeper-server-start connect-distributed kafka-consumer-offset-checker kafka-replica...
protocol=avro&partition-num=1&max-message-bytes=67108864&replication-factor=1" --changefeed-id="kafka-2" --config="/home/kafka/kafka.conf" --schema-registry="" Starting component `ctl`: /root/.tiup/components/ctl/v6.1.0/ctl cdc changefeed create --pd=http://1...
使用TiCDC 将 TiDB test 数据库多张表以 AVRO 格式发送到 Kafka 多个 Topic ,然后使用 Confluent 自带开源 connect 将 Kafka 多个 topic 数据实时写入到 Oracle 数据库,此链路支持实时数据 insert/delete/update/create table ddl/add column ddl 等。理论上此链路还可以支持下游为其它异构数据库。 暂时无法在飞书...
helm install stable/prometheus helm install stable/grafana Add Prometheus as Data Source in Grafana, url should be something like: http://illmannered-marmot-prometheus-server:9090 Import dashboard under grafana-dashboard into Grafana Teardown To remove the pods, list the pods with kubectl get po...
GrafanaA Grafana dashboard is provided in ./grafana/ folder.Deprecated configurationcluster_id is deprecatedHistorically, the exporter and the Metrics API exposed the ID of the cluster with the label cluster_id. In the Metrics API V2, this label has been renamed to It is ...
使用TiCDC 将 TiDB test 数据库多张表以 AVRO 格式发送到 Kafka 多个 Topic ,然后使用 Confluent 自带开源 connect 将 Kafka 多个 topic 数据实时写入到 Oracle 数据库,此链路支持实时数据 insert/delete/update/create table ddl/add column ddl 等。理论上此链路还可以支持下游为其它异构数据库。
Eventually the data looks something like this in Grafana Dashboard: Before getting into more details about the architecture, let's go through a quickstart first. Quickstart Pre-requisites Ensure that you have a Prometheus Instance that is already gathering Metrics API dataset. This will be needed ...