cannot open confluence wiki page Error importing confluence space You won’t want to miss this replay all about Jira and Confluence! Whether you’re new to using Jira and Confluence or want to brush up on all the latest integrations you haven’t discovered yet, watch this on-demand live lea...
FreeSWITCH™. You do not have to use the trademark symbol every time. It appears in every instance on the top level page so hopefully that should drive the point home. If you use it once in the About section of a new page that should be sufficient. In ...
There is no wiki markup representation for page layouts. Macros Storage format and wiki markup examples have been included in the documentation for each macro.Last modified on May 8, 2018 Was this helpful? Yes No Provide feedback about this article Related...
Confluence wiki markup lets you add hyperlinks to text in certain administration screens. The table below illustrates the syntax for adding links. Method Result [#anchor] Link to an anchor link on the current page, whereanchoris the name of the anchor. ...
Header in Page Properties Report macro - width adjustment Hi.. I´m really new to Confluence and just started testing the cloud version a little bit for my department. One thing we are planing is a knowledge base for our data we a wiki. I s... ...
On the other hand, some complain that Confluence’s wiki-style features can suffer after a while if it’s badly maintained. The search feature doesn’t always live up to expectations. Content cannot be drafted during the editing stage, so every page is live after you save it. ...
Vai oltre il wiki e comunica i contenuti in modo visivo "Sperimenta tutti i modi in cui puoi rendere i tuoi contenuti più visivi. " — Danielle Dannenberg, responsabile del personale Gli ausili visivi sono da tempo utilizzati per comunicare informazioni in modo più efficace rispetto ...
Confluence是一个专业的企业知识管理与协同软件,一个专业的wiki 1.安装 JDBC的url: 因为mysql版本是5.7,所以要去掉engine部分,这里是大坑,尼玛 jdbc:mysql:// 获取space的content curl -u admin:123456
Code examples Wiki markup is useful when you need to add a macro outside the editor, for example as custom content in the sidebar, header or footer of a space. Macro name: chart Macro body: Accepts rich text, consisting of tables that hold the chart's data. This macro recognizes a lar...
application/json' \ --data '{ "key": "my-property", "version": { "number": 1 }, "value": {"party": { "attendees": ["andrew","becky","charlie","dave"], "attendeeCount": 4 }} }' \ --url '