in confluence- boards, pages, comments et al which is the top and where do sub-sections fit in below that and interact with one another 28 views 3 1 Clive Whitton 6 hours ago Question cloud confluence confluence-cloud Page created can be restricted to certain users? Hi, I have a ...
Enter a name for the macro so that you can reference it on another page using the insert excerptmacro.If you don't give the macro a name, you will only be able to include the content from the first excerpt macro on this page. ...
Within a specific Confluence page, you can insert unique elements (like action items within a checklist, or code snippets for developers) to better organize every idea. The result: your documentation isn’t just a handy reference doc. It’s something far more polished, robust, and easy for ...
Documenting project completion feedback benefits the entire organization, especially when it’s available to everyone. The retrospective from one team could serve as valuable reference material for another team down the line. In this way, using Confluence to document your project completion feedback is...
Create a reference/sample page that contains all of the formatting elements for a page. Find a way to have "Notify Watchers" in edit screen unchecked by default. A: Checkbox remembers its state, so clear it and forget it See if we can set the ToC list styl...
Preserve Confluence page IDs when importing a space export from another instanceLog In Gathering Interest Export Details Type: Suggestion Resolution: Unresolved Component/s: Migrations - Space - Import Labels: affects-cloud UIS: 1 Support reference count: 6 Feedback Policy: Our product...
The Hibernate mapping files are the authoritative reference for the Confluence data model. These are the *.hbm.xml files which you will find in the main Confluence JAR file (<CONFLUENCE-INSTALLATION>\confluence\WEB-INF\lib\confluence-x.x.x.jar). The tables, columns and other attributes are ...
Use the confluence:contextMenu module to add an item to the context menu dropdown, which appears when users highlight text on a published page.Before you beginThis tutorial assumes you're already familiar with the basics of Forge development. If this is your first time using Forge, see ...
Bot replies to my post as a thread, with options to manage notifications or watch another page Setup notifications as needed Confirmation is provided by the bot, again as part of the thread All future notifications on the page specified are contained within the thread, even though the original...
How do I get a reference to a component? How do I load a resource from a plugin? What is the best way to load a class or resource from a plugin? How do I autowire a component? How do I display the Confluence System Classpath?