Enter page and anchor names with spaces when you link to them in the same Confluence site. A good way to do this is to copy the page title exactly as appears on the page. Don't copy the page URL, as we don't want to include the + symbol). If you're linking to an anchor on ...
[pagetitle^attachment.ext] Link to an attachment on a specific page. [spacekey:pagetitle] Link to a page in another space, wherespacekeyis the appropriate spacekey. [spacekey:pagetitle#anchor] Link to an anchor on a page in another space. ...
Step2: Create a link to the anchor You can link to an anchor from: A page on the same Confluence site. The link may be on the same page as the anchor, another page in the same space, or a page in another space on the same Confluence site. ...
Cross-reference links should take me to anchor point on page. Actual behavior Clicking on cross-reference link leads to broken link. When I inspect the source code on Confluence, I see this for the broken link <ac:link> <ri:attachment ri:filename="#tbl-letters" /> <ac:plain-text-link...
the anchor option is gone and I want to link a word 339 views21Elen BaldiniJanuary 17, 2020 confluence How to solve errors when creating JIRA software issues from confluence I get 500 error when I try to create a new JIRA issue from Confluence. This is the JSON response: { "errors": ...
宏名称:anchor 宏内容:None。存储格式示例 here Wiki标记示例•附件(Att achmen ts)宏•面板(Panel )宏•页面属性报表(Page Proper ties Repor t)宏•页面属性(Page Proper ties)宏•页面树查找(Pa 43、ge Tree Search )宏•页面树(Page Tree)宏•页面索引(Page Index)宏有关其他宏的信息其他的...
I've added the Anchor macro to a page position and gave it a name ''navigation''. I cannot make the page to go to the anchor not even adding it on the searchbar link https://linkexample.com/page#nav... 336 views 0 0 matheusknebel February 17, 2020 cloud confluence confluence-clou...
# all images will upload are full-scaled and without link to original@staticmethod def _document_key(document): return hash(document)def set_title(self, document, title): self.titles[self._document_key(document)] = titledef get_title(self, document): ...
(m) When a web page requires that an applet, plug-in or other application be present on the client system to interpret page content, the page must provide a link to a plug-in or applet that complies with §1194.21(a) through (l). (n) When electronic forms are designed to be compl...
public static final java.lang.String CREATE_PAGE_FORM_ID "createpageform" public static final java.lang.String CREATE_PAGE_LINK_ID "createPageLink" public static final java.lang.String CREATE_PAGE_LINK_TEXT "New Page" public static final java.lang.String CREATE_PAGE_TITLE_TEXT "Add Page" pu...