Gen- der differences existed in conflict resolution behaviors, but they were not as strong a predictor as attachment characteristics of conflict resolution and relationship satisfaction. No gender differences were found in attachment styles.Shi, L I N...
Degrees of resiliency in acquisition of language . Nanzan Linguistics; Special Issue 3 , 1, 315-330.Moriizumi, S., and J. Takai. 2010. "The relationships between Japanese interpersonal conflict styles and their language expressions," Journal of Social Psychology, 150 (5): 520-539. doi: ...
Over time,partners will begin to notice conflict patterns that each tends toward when they disagree.Once the two of you identify these patterns of conflicts in relationships, it arms you with the “evidence” youneed to argue more constructivelysince you’ll be aware of your tendencies. Relation...
To distinguish those conflict patterns that were orientation or gender specific, styles of conflict resolution between the men in same and othersex relationships and between the women in same and othersex couples were also compared. Results indicated that most couples across type of relationship ...
Disputes can quickly stray from the real source of the problem when different conflict management styles are involved. Not only can this prolong arguments, but it can sometimes lead individuals to voice irrelevant opinions that could ultimately damage their relationships with their coworkers. This is...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships among emotional intelligence (EI), conflict management styles (CMSs) and job performance at selected local governments in Indonesia. Specifically, the antecedent of CMSs was investigated. Design/methodology/approach – A total of...
Kozan, M. K. (1990), Relationships of hierarchy and topics to conflict management styles: A comparative study. In Rahim, M., A. (ed.), Theory and research in conflict management (pp. 105108). New...
HA well-functioning team should have all of these communication styles for true effectiveness. All teams need to focus on the task, and they need to take care of relationships in order to achieve those tasks. They need the big picture perspective or the context of their work, and they need...
Interparental Conflict in Late Childhood and Adolescent Social and Emotional Outcomes: The Role of Parent-Child Relationships, Parenting Styles, and Emotio... conflict and the quality of parent-child relationships, parenting styles, and...and relationship quality with peers and romantic partners were ...
The way that individuals handle conflict in business or personal relationships is their conflict style. In 1972, the Thomas and Killman styles were introduced as a method for identifying different types ofconflict resolution. Understanding the conflict styles of those around you may help you develop ...