向外文杂志投稿时,Conflict of interest statement参考如下格式: Conflict of interest statement We declare that we have no financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that can inappropriately influence our work, there is no professional or other personal interest of any nature or...
2.点击“Submit New Manuscript” 3.如果不是投什么专题文章,正常情况选择“Full Length Article”, 然后点击“Proceed”。 4.这里需要上传四个文件,“Cover Letter”就是写个编辑的信,大概就是简单说一下你的论文,笔者上传了自己写的模板Cover letter。“Declaration of Interest Statement”大概就是说明你的论文没...
interest Section" of whether you, as the author of the manuscript, have or do not have a direct financial relation with the commercial identity mentioned in your paper that might lead to a conflict of interest for any of the authors, or not.Conflict of interest statement We declare that we...
service and/or company that could be construed as influencing the position presented in, or the review of, the manuscript entitled, “”简洁一点的话,除非论文的作者因论文涉及到商业利益问题,编辑才会要求写得很清楚,不然一般用如下也可:Conflict of Interest 一般都在参考文献之前啊,这个要...
Conflict of interest statement 利益冲突声明 We declare that we have no conflict of interest.我们宣布,我们(的言论)不对任何方造成利益冲突.这是一种“行规”,为了表明其发表文章、言论的客观立场.示例:Conflict of interest statement We declare that we have no financial and personal ...
Manuscript JPSE-noMarks.doc这个是什么文件,在哪能找到?Conflict of interest statement.docx这个是确定...
你就把该研究者列入"Conflict of interest"。话又说回来了,就一般研究者来说,这项就可以忽略了。谁会在乎咱们的一两篇论文呢?祝顺利!你就说没有冲突就行。和你研究冲突的审稿人,编辑会避开的,在论文最后写上no conflicit of interest就可以了 ...
conflict of interest statement conflict of interest statement翻译为:利益冲突声明。 The author declares that they have no conflicts of interest in the research presented in this manuscript.©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations Conflict of Interest Statement ArticleTitle: Authors: All authors of this manuscript have directly participated in planning, execution, and/or analysis of this study (if not,specify). The contents of this manuscript have not been copyrighted or ...
conflict-of-interest-statement40word-版41 系统标签: conflictstatementmanuscripturologicnuscriptmanusc UrologicOncology:SeminarsandOriginalInvestigations ConflictofInterestStatement ArticleTitle: Authors: ___Allauthorsofthismanuscripthavedirectlyparticipat edin planning,execution,and/oranalysisofthisstudy(ifnot,spec...