冲突:全球反恐Conflict: Global StormConflict: Global Terror Pivotal Games 2005-09-30 6.28.0 简介 开发/发行 链接 封面秀 Logo 媒体评分 6.2 会员评分 8.0 在《冲突 全球反恐》中,玩家将会再次扮演沙漠风暴中的四人小队:Bradley、Foley、Connors 和 Jones,如今这四人组建成为精英反恐小队,肩负起在全球各地执行反...
冲突:沙漠风暴 2 重反巴格达Conflict: Desert Storm IIPS2 美版 (2003)…封面载入中…
To balance things out slightly, Conflict: Desert Storm does allow you to heal team-mates no matter how many times they get blown to smithereens. As long as the character's health bar hasn't diminished to zero, you'll be able to walk up to them and administer a medi pack. Should you ...
Conflict: Desert Storm II - Back to Baghdad [Xbox] Conflict: Desert Storm [cheats] Conflict: Desert Storm [GC] Conflict: Desert Storm [Trainer +5] Conflict: Desert Storm [Xbox] Conflict: Global Terror [cheats] Conflict: Global Terror [PSX] ...
Leaving behind the jungles and ruins of previous Conflict games, Global Storm pits you against a new enemy, March 33. The Razz Games Reviews: Going down a storm; CONFLICT: GLOBAL STORM ### XBOX/PC/PS2 Good guys are a whirlwind, wreaking their havoc across the world More results ► Dict...
英文名称:Conflict: Desert Storm / Conflict Delta - Wangan Sensou 1991 日文名称:コンフリクトデルタ 湾岸戦争1991 游戏编号:SLPM-65460 游戏类型:动作游戏 制作厂商:SCi Games 代理发行:Capcom 游戏平台:Play Station2 (プレイステーション2)
由SCi Games制作,CAPCOM发行的PS2用动作游戏新作《Conflict DELTA II 海湾战争1991》。前作在全世界销售达到150万以上,本作为前作的续编。和前作「Conflict DELTA 海湾战争1991」基本是沙漠场景相比,本作增加了屋内以及市街上的战斗场景,音效和画面都有所改善。沙漠的战斗将会与前作有所不同,室内战和巷战仍将存在...
冲突:全球反恐Conflict: Global StormConflict: Global Terror Pivotal Games 2005-09-30 6.28.0 简介 开发/发行 链接 封面秀 Logo 媒体评分 6.2 会员评分 8.0 在《冲突 全球反恐》中,玩家将会再次扮演沙漠风暴中的四人小队:Bradley、Foley、Connors 和 Jones,如今这四人组建成为精英反恐小队,肩负起在全球各地执行反...
Conflict: Desert Storm II - Back to Baghdad [Xbox]Conflict: Desert Storm [cheats]Conflict: Desert Storm [GC]Conflict: Desert Storm [Trainer +5]Conflict: Desert Storm [Xbox]Conflict: Global Terror [cheats]Conflict: Global Terror [PSX]