With the parliament seats filled, the body met to hold the long-delayed presidential election on May 15, 2022, amid tight security. There were 39 candidates who had put their names forth for the presidency, with the incumbent, President Mohamed, and former president Mohamud among the front-run...
Floods and the economic fallout from COVID-19 are pitting hungry fishermen against hungry hippos—with deadly results.
Now David Haig then picked up on Bob's idea and claimed thatconflictis alsorealized through imprinted genesin pregnancy. There isconflict between the mother and the fatherover how much the mother should give to the baby, and the baby take from the mother. If the father can put into the ...
Now David Haig then picked up on Bob's idea and claimed that conflict is also realized through imprinted genes in pregnancy. There is conflict between the mother and the father over how much the mother should give to the baby, and the baby take from the mother. If the father can put in...
We examine the train dispatching consequences of the arrival of an already delayed train to a given network segment. This problem is computationally hard and needs to be solved almost in real time. We introduce a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) model of this problem, which is ...