自制西梅果酱(confiture de prunes)的做法 新鲜西梅去叶去杆,洗净沥干。 用刀一剖二,去除果核。 放糖,混和均匀,盖上盖子,放置一个晚上。 用手持料理棒把果肉打碎。 放入不锈钢大深锅,用中火开始熬煮。并不时地搅拌,防止糊底。 熬煮的同时,打开烤箱准备消毒果酱瓶。 选自动温度和时间,开始消毒。 我准备了8个...
Let's fill it with confiture des prunes. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 (6) “Dulce de leche” or “Confiture de lait” refers to a soft, luscious, brown cream, made of sweetened, thickened milk EurLex-2 the breakfast was very extended, there where some swedish things (like salmon, swedish br...
Prima dintre ele a fost dulceata de cirese amare. ParaCrawl Corpus Till Christmas inclusive, the majority of the Confiture jars with forest fruits and old plums have been sold Pana la Craciun inclusiv, au fost vandute majoritatea borcanelor cu dulceata de fructe de padure si prune batra...