In addition to the above, the company has no any other irrevocable letter of credit issued by your bank. In addition to the above, the company has no any otherunfinished foreign exchange contract signed with your bank. at the bank. 13. Other events (such as trust deposits, bank guarantees...
Please confirm the position by completing the section headed Bankers Confirmation on the final page of this request. If there is any inconsistency, please list amount and other details.You are hereby authorized to debit any charge for this service to the companys bank account no. . Please send...
bank_confirmation_letter A BC & Co.Chartered Accountants ▪Firm address ▪Phone :Fax : E Mail : Office at :Date :The Manager,___Dear Sir / Madam,CLIENT NAME :___REQUEST FOR BANK REPORT FOR AUDIT PURPOSES FOR THE YEAR ENDED ___...
another letter to the Permanent MissionofChadrequestingconfirmationandfurtherdetailsabout information regarding Chadian [...] 2012 年 1 月,专 家小组再次致函乍得常驻代表团,要求予以确认,并就乍得战斗人员支持卡扎菲 部队的信息提供详细资料。
confirmation of order订货承诺书;确认订单 confirmation同义词 n. [审计]确认;证实;证明;批准 verification,authentication,certification,demonstration,evidence confirmation词源中文解释 约于1300年, confyrmacyoun,指受洗者被接纳成为教会全体信徒的仪式,源自于古法语 confirmacion(13世纪)的“加强,确认; 证明; 批准”,...
entrusteddeposit. 5.Entrustedloans Nameof Bank Accounts BankAccount No. LendersCurrency Interest Rate Ending Balance Loan Period Remarks Inadditiontotheabove,thecompanyhasnoanyotherentrustedloan. 6.Guaranty (All details about the mortgage or pledge shall be described in the Remarks) Warrantee Way of ...
Uses of a Bank Confirmation Letter Commonly, bank confirmation letters are prepared for a business customer as the bank vouches for the existence of a line of credit. Often, the letter serves an assurance to the seller. These letters could also be issued for such companies that are about to...
This confirmation letter is not a conclusion drawn on careful scientific evidence from experts and the authorities also [...] 這份確認書既 不是由獨立專家經過嚴密科學鑒定作出的結論,當局更沒有公開案中的所謂 證據。 Based on the confirmation of Zhongshan Macson and... establish or make quite certain.They confirmed their hotel booking by letter.confirmar admit to full membership of certain Christian churches.confirmar ˌconfirˈmation(kon-)noun confirmación confirmand(-mand)noun a person who receives religious confirmation or is a candidate for it...