In case someone else bumps into this. Using example above the error never showed up for me, I needed to add the error message output to the validate function. value === watch('password') || "Passwords don't match." })} placeholder="Новыйпароль" required/> 👍 8 ...
password mask co tjholowaychuk •1.0.0•12 years ago•1,038dependents•MITpublished version1.0.0,12 years ago1038dependentslicensed under $MIT 709,470 yesno A simple library for asking boolean questions in cli programs mreinstein
React after posting new password for user can't log in I have a big problem with updating user info with fetch PUT. When I do it everything seems to work correctly I even get encrypted password but then when I try to log in with data I changed it says it'... ...
The text to display in the confirm box. Return Value TypeDescription A booleantrueif the user clicked OK, otherwisefalse. More Examples Display a confirmation box, and output what the user clicked: lettext; if(confirm("Press a button!") ==true) { ...
Alternative for window.prompt Easy password input Demo and Sample See Demos on storybook The sample codes are in /stories/stories Usage Install npm i react-bootstrap-dialog --save or yarn add react-bootstrap-dialog Quick start Step 1. Import package. import Dialog from "react-bootstrap-dialog...
React after posting new password for user can't log in I have a big problem with updating user info with fetch PUT. When I do it everything seems to work correctly I even get encrypted password but then when I try to log in with data I changed it says it'... ...
17. 后台将验证token放在请求的头部时,自己还需要注意下(在utils/request.js文件) 18. 每次进入新页面时刷新数据(作者设计的是缓存,不刷新所以组件中调用created钩子函数) 19. el-image组件导入图片 20. `background url()`如何处理 21. 每次注销时,重新进入系统时,清除已经访问的记录,并在首页展示 22. 前端动...
import Dialog from 'react-bootstrap-dialog'Step 2. Write jsx in render method.<Dialog ref={(el) => { this.dialog = el }} />Step 3. Call showAlert method or show method.this.dialog.showAlert('Hello Dialog!')Full sample:import React from 'react' import {Button} from 'react-boot...
React after posting new password for user can't log in I have a big problem with updating user info with fetch PUT. When I do it everything seems to work correctly I even get encrypted password but then when I try to log in with data I changed it says it'... ...
values.retypedPassword ) .then(() => { this.props.reset(); });73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions 73 src/containers/RegistrationContainer.jsx Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ import React from "react"; import RegisterForm from "../comp...