aIn order to complete your registration, you need to confirm your e-mail. We've already sent an e-mail to you ( with a verification code. If you didn't receive it, use the resend button below. 为了完成您的注册,您需要证实您的电子邮件。 我们已经送了电子邮件到您(jiplx...
Attachment File Path while Sending Email using C# and Gmail Attempt by security transparent method 'System.Web.Mvc.PreApplicationStartCode.Start() attempted to access an unloaded appdomain When reading from Active Directory Attribute 'Serializable' is not valid on this declaration type. Audio/Video Ch...
The email includes a link or button labeled 'Verify email address.' This link sends users to a fake Web page, often mimicking a Gmail or other email service provider's login page. Here, victims are asked to enter their email login credentials, which are then captured by the fraudsters for...
Attachment File Path while Sending Email using C# and Gmail Attempt by security transparent method 'System.Web.Mvc.PreApplicationStartCode.Start() attempted to access an unloaded appdomain When reading from Active Directory Attribute 'Serializable' is not valid on this declaration type. Audio/Video Ch...