The resistance-capacitance electrical analogue is used to analyse the time variant behaviour of aquifers which change between the confined and unconfined states. This is achieved using a field effect transistor as a switch which automatically operates as the water table crosses the top of the aquifer...
2.1.2 Flow equations-confined and unconfined aquifer (2D) The governing equation describing the flow in a 2D nonhomogeneous confined aquifer is given as (Bear, 1979): (4)∂∂xTx∂h∂x+∂∂yTy∂h∂y=S∂h∂t+Qwδx−xiy−yi−qs The governing equation describing the fl...
Unconfined aquifers are typically below major water courses such as rivers. These systems provide a constant source of water that seeps down to form the aquifer. The strata of the aquifer itself can be comprised of porous rock such as limestone, or sand and gravel. Unconfined aquifers then filt...
unfree- hampered and not free; not able to act at will restricted- subject to restriction or subjected to restriction; "of restricted importance" unconfined- not confined 3.confined- being in captivity captive,imprisoned,jailed unfree- hampered and not free; not able to act at will ...
confined aquifer 读音:美英 confined aquifer基本解释 承压含水层;封闭含水层 分词解释 confined(指空间)有限的,受限制的 aquifer地下蓄水层,砂石含水层
Related to confined aquifer:Aquitard,Perched aquifer,Unconfined aquifer con·fined aquifer (kən-fīnd′) n. An aquifer that is under pressure because layers of impermeable rock, such as claystone, lie above and below it. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. ...
他因患流感,已经几天未下床了。《牛津词典》 短语搭配 confined space 密闭空间;有限空间 confined water 承压水;受压水 confined aquifer 承压含水层;被封含水层 近义词 adj. 狭窄的;幽禁的;有限制的;在分娩中的 narrowstrait v. 限制 restricted 反义词 freeinvasiveunconfined 相关推荐 tropical...
Mixed confined and unconfined groundwater flow occurs in a bounded initially dry aquifer when the hydraulic head at the side boundary suddenly rises above the elevation of the aquifer's top boundary. The flow problem as modelled by the Boussinesq equation is non-trivial because of the involvement...
in captivity 同义词:captiveimprisonedjailed 学习怎么用 词组短语 confined space密闭空间;有限空间 confined water承压水;受压水 confined aquifer承压含水层;被封含水层 双语例句 用作形容词(adj.) Confined waves have definite frequencies. 被限制的波具有确定的频率。
1.infiltrate v.渗透 2.aquifer n.含水土层, 蓄水层 3.unconfined aquifer 非承压含水层 无压含水层 4.confined aquifer 自流含水层 承压含水层 5.recharge area 补给区 6.water table n. 地下水面(门窗泻水台)7.vadose zone 渗流区 8.aquitard 半透水层 弱含水层 9.aquiclude n.含水...