Configuring DNS with DHCP in Packet Tracer 6.2 Hi everyone, I have an assignment I'm working on for college, one of the tasks is to setup a DNS server, however because I have DHCP setup I cannot add static entries into my DNS. If I create an ARecord and add a host name that match...
If DHCP is configured on Server-PT, choosing DHCP here obtains an IP address dynamically. Starting with Packet Tracer Version 6, this utility also has a section for configuring IPv6 addresses. Dial-up A modem dialer, this utility can be used if the PC-HOST-NM-1AM module is plugged in. ...
Solved: Smartphone0 to Cell Tower0 Smartphone1 to Cell Tower1 Smartphone2 to Cell Tower2 in 3G/4G 819HGW to Cell Tower2 in 3G/4G PC14 connect(Wireless) 819HGW 819HGW set DHCP to PC14 "" Central Office Server0 set DHCP to
as this will be overwhelming and there must be an easier way, i will attach some attempts made on packet tracer, any help would be great 1 person had this problem I have this problem too Labels: Other Routing IMG_0111.JPG 2284 KB ...
Cisco Packet Tracer 实验 相关概念简介 CPT 软件使用简介 直接连接两台 PC 构建 LAN 直接连接两台 PC 构建 LAN 交换机接口地址列表 生成树协议(Spanning Tree Protocol) 路由器配置 相关概念简介 完成以下实验需要请大家先了解 VLSM、CIDR、RIP、OSPF、VLAN、STP、NAT 及 DHCP 等概念,以能够进行网络规划和配置。
Configuring DNS with DHCP in Packet Tracer 6.2 Hi everyone, I have an assignment I'm working on for college, one of the tasks is to setup a DNS server, however because I have DHCP setup I cannot add static entries into my DNS.
When I go to the router, I have not enabled a ip dhcp pool for voice. I will try that. 0 Helpful Reply Flavio Miranda VIP In response to trenaschulze 11-05-2024 02:30 PM PacketTracer have some tricks. You need to use the router 2811 if you want to pl...
Configuring DNS with DHCP in Packet Tracer 6.2 Hi everyone, I have an assignment I'm working on for college, one of the tasks is to setup a DNS server, however because I have DHCP setup I cannot add static entries into my DNS.