通过设置devtool属性,你可以选择不同的source map生成策略,以满足不同场景下的调试需求。 3. 如何在Vue项目的configureWebpack中设置devtool属性 在Vue项目中,你可以通过vue.config.js文件中的configureWebpack选项来设置devtool属性。具体来说,你可以将devtool属性作为一个键值对添加到configureWebpack对象中。下面是...
devtool: "cheap-module-source-map", // Source map let us see our original code when debugging in the browser entry: "./src/index", // this is default for webpack so you don't have to put it in. output: { pa...
setDevTool setEnv setOutput sourceMaps Third-party blocks webpack-blocks-happypack— HappyPack webpack-blocks-less— Less webpack-blocks-purescript— PureScript webpack-blocks-server-source-map— source map for server bundle webpack-blocks-split-vendor— vendor bundle ...
devtool: 'inline-source-map' There are much more options for devtoolhere We’ve setup most of the things that’s required for the first moment to configure webpack. Here’s the updated snippet of what we’ve done so far.. Webpack config file basic setup — 2 ...
resolve(__dirname, "./dist"), compress: true, port: 8080, open: true, }, devtool: "inline-source-map", module: { rules: [ { test: /\\.js$/, loader: "babel-loader", exclude: "/node_modules/", }, ], }, plugins: [ new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: "./src/index.html",...
因此,当您执行config.plugins = []时,您会尝试使用webpack的默认配置来覆盖pluginsArray,例如 Vue...
setDevTool setEnv setOutput sourceMaps Third-party blocks webpack-blocks-happypack— HappyPack webpack-blocks-less— Less webpack-blocks-purescript— PureScript webpack-blocks-server-source-map— source map for server bundle webpack-blocks-split-vendor— vendor bundle webpack-blocks-ts— TypeScript...