1.To installOpenVPNin anRHELserver, you will first have toenable the EPEL repositoryand then install the package, which comes with all the dependencies needed to install the OpenVPN package. sudo dnf update sudo dnf install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-9.noarch....
1. Mount RHEL Installation ISO mkdir/media/dvdmount/dev/cdrom /media/dvd 2. Get Media ID with the ISO head-n1 /media/dvd/.discinfo1384196515.415715 3. Add yum configuration file for the ISO Repository (ISO.repo) touch /etc/yum.repo.d/iso.repo yumupdate Appendix, An example ofiso.repo...
STEP 1 : When you run YUM, on a non-registered RHEL machine, you will end up in the below error (highlighted). [root@catest ~]# yum install tkinter Loaded plugins: rhnplugin, securityThis system is not registered with RHN.RHN support will be disabled.Setting up Install Process Parsing ...
A startedVNCuser session can be accessed by the same user from multiple VNC clients. In order to install theTigerVNCserver inCentOS/RHEL, open a terminal session and issue the followingyum commandwith root privileges. $ sudo yum install tigervnc-server Install TigerVNC in Linux 2.After, you...
name=RHEL FTP baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=0Copy Apache [remote] name=RHEL Apache baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=0Copy Install Packages Install the packages using the yum command. Once the command issued, it downloads metafile from the server and l...
Proxy configuration in YUM in RHEL, CentOS, Fedora 1. Enable proxy for yum in configuration file. (global) If your server is connected to the internet via proxy server then you can define it in the configuration file located at/etc/yum.conf. For a definition, you should have below details...
#yum -y installpackage name Note Depending on your base RHEL image, additional packages might be required to ensure that your instance is optimally setup. (You can skip this step if you are using the RHEL for SAP with HA & US image.) For the latest information, refer to the RHEL config...
sudo yum install mssql-server-ha Configure fencing agent A STONITH device provides a fencing agent. Setting up Pacemaker on Red Hat Enterprise Linux in Azure provides an example of how to create a STONITH device for this cluster in Azure. Modify the instructions for your environment. Create ...
Redhat Enterprise Linux 9 dnsmasqpackage Issue How to configure DNS caching server with dnsmasq in RHEL Resolution Preparation Ensure thatdnsmasqis installed Raw # yum -y install dnsmasq Choose a way to rundnsmasqfor DNS caching: As a standalone service ...
yum install -y atop Run the following command to modify the configuration file of atop: vi /etc/sysconfig/atop Modify the following parameters, save the modification, and exit: Change the value of LOGINTERVAL to, for example, 15. The default value of LOGINTERVAL is 600, in seconds. Chang...