在使用windows的独立二进制文件折腾了几个小时之后,我通过npm/nvm选项和git安装了firebase cli。在此之后...
There are Windows devices (v. 10 and 11) in which the error does not occur. Categories Analytics API (REST) API (GraphQL) Auth Authenticator DataStore Notifications (Push) Storage Steps to Reproduce configureAmplify() async { await amplify_flutter.Amplify.addPlugins( [ pinpoint.AmplifyAnalyticsPi...
I tried flutter clean I tried reinstall flutter I tried delete pub cache directories In another machine it works fine. I don't understand what the diffrence This is the error: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':agora_rtc_engine:configure...
const px2rem= require("postcss-px2rem");functionresolve(dir) {returnpath.join(__dirname, dir); }//配置基本大小const postcss =px2rem({//基准大小 baseSize,需要和rem.js中相同remUnit: 16, }); module.exports={ configureWebpack: { plugins: [newwebpack.ProvidePlugin({ $:"jquery", jQuery:...
certbot --nginx --nginx-server-root=/some/other/path/nginx/conf unrecognized arguments: --nginx-server-root 但是,今天,上面问题第一次遇到的4年后,我又遇到了一个更加奇葩的报错 sudo certbot --nginx --nginx-server-root=/www/server/nginx/conf ...
certbot --nginx --nginx-server-root=/some/other/path/nginx/conf unrecognized arguments: --nginx-server-root 但是,今天,上面问题第一次遇到的4年后,我又遇到了一个更加奇葩的报错 sudo certbot --nginx --nginx-server-root=/www/server/nginx/conf ...