在Packet Tracer中配置交换机到路由器的连接,你可以按照以下步骤进行: 打开Packet Tracer并创建一个新拓扑图: 启动Packet Tracer软件。 点击“File”菜单,选择“New Topology”以创建一个新的拓扑图。 在拓扑图中添加交换机和路由器设备: 从设备列表中拖拽一个交换机(例如,Switch 2960)到拓扑图的工作区。 同样...
PacketTracer-ConfigureLayer3Switches Topology AddressingTable Device Interface IPAddress SubnetMask R1 MLSw1 G0/1 VLAN1 Objectives Part1:DocumenttheCurrentNetworkConfigurations Part2:Configure,Deploy,andTesttheNewMultilayerSwitch Scenario TheNetworkAdministratorisreplacingthecurrentrouterandswitchwithanewLayer3switch...
Packet-tracer is an inbuilt utility on the Nexus 9000 that can be used to trace the path of the packet through the switch. It can be invoked using the command line and can be configured to match IP address and or layer 4 attributes. It cannot be used to match ARP traffic. T...
On your PacketTracer you have a folder where Cisco added examples of topologies and you can find the exactly topology you need for this case. You can use it or you can create your own based on that example Learn, share, save Discover and save your favorite ideas. Come back to e...
On your PacketTracer you have a folder where Cisco added examples of topologies and you can find the exactly topology you need for this case. You can use it or you can create your own based on that example Learn, share, save Discover and save your favorite ideas. Come back to e...
4.Runpacket-tracer: C9300X#show platform hardware fed switch 1 forward interface TwentyFiveGigE 1/0/2 pcap flash:test.pcap number 1Show forward is running in the background. After completion, syslog will be generated. C9300X# *Oct 18 18:36:56.288: %SHFWD-6-PACKET_TR...
Add IP Telephones in Cisco Packet Tracer You’re now going to add IP telephony to your organization—but don’t hate me, because you’re going to look at that network diagram again! You'll need to add IP phones between your computers and the switch interface. ...
Switch(config-if)#switchport mode trunk Switch(config-if)#exit Switch(config)# The following image show this configuration on the packet tracer. Configuring DHCP server and creating DHCP pools By default, DHCP service is enabled on all supporting Cisco switches. To use this service, we have...
Cisco 交换机在 Router#提示符下进入全局配置模式的命令是() A.Router#enable B.Router#configure terminal C.Switch#enable D.Switch#configure terminal 点击查看答案 第9题 在对交换机的配置中,输入()命令可以进入全局模式 A.nable B.onfigure terminal C.write D.show vlan 点击查看答案 第10题 在packet...
Configure DHCP Snooping on Cisco Switches Packet tracer practice lab setup Create a network that contains five subnets:,,,, and Add some hosts in each network except the fifth subnet. In the fifth subnet add a DHCP Server. ...