}while(1){ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &end);longreal_diff = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) *1000*1000*1000+ (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec);if( real_diff > diff_usec) {break; } } infrared_pulse =1- infrared_pulse; }return0; } 开发者ID:knomura,项目名称:remote,代码行...
Aan sip-ua toegewezen trustpoint wordt dit trustpoint gebruikt voor alle signalering tussen CUBE en CUCM: sip-ua crypto signaling remote-addr trustpoint SUBCA1 crypto signaling remote-addr trustpoint SUBCA1 of, standaard trustpoint ...
The friend of mine had been presented to me a webcam recently. On the box of Logitech QuickCam, there were logo of an alternative operation system, but in Debian configuration of a webcam is as easy as 1-2-3. Here are tips for configuration of a webcam. Preparing Some preparing words...
crypto signaling remote-addr <cucm pub ip address> trustpoint SUBCA1 crypto signaling remote-addr <cucm sub ip address> trustpoint SUBCA1 또는 큐브의 모든 sip 신호 처리에 대해 기본 신뢰 지점...
to overcome this error condition ++ Tuples with mismatched address/port entry - Do 'clear sip <tcp[tls]/udp> conn t ipv4:<addr>:<port> id <connid>' to overcome this error condition Remote-Agent:, Connections-Count:2
to overcome this error condition ++ Tuples with mismatched address/port entry - Do 'clear sip <tcp[tls]/udp> conn t ipv4:<addr>:<port> id <connid>' to overcome this error condition Remote-Agent:, Connections-Count:2
id ' to overcome this error condition Remote-Agent:, Connections-Count:2 Remote-Port Conn-Id Conn-State WriteQ-Size Local-Address === === === === === 5061 16 Established 0 57396 17 Established 0 --- SIP Transport Laye...
id ' to overcome this error condition Remote-Agent:, Connections-Count:2 Remote-Port Conn-Id Conn-State WriteQ-Size Local-Address === === === === === 5061 16 Established 0 57396 17 Established 0 --- SIP T...
to overcome this error condition++ Tuples with mismatched address/port entry - Do 'clear sip <tcp[tls]/udp> conn t ipv4:<addr>:<port> id <connid>' to overcome this error condition Remote-Agent:, Connections-Count:2Remote-Port Conn-Id Con...
crypto signaling remote-addr <cucm sub ip address> trustpoint SUBCA1 或者,可以为来自多维数据集的所有sip信令配置默认信任点: sip-ua crypto signaling default trustpoint SUBCA1 9.启用SRTP。 这可以在全局级别或拨号对等体级别执行。