Step 15: Now your Project Package Explorer window should look similar to the below image. Also, the errors related to Selenium classes would have been disappeared. Here we need to import WebDriver and ChromeDriver classes. Selenium Import Libraries That’s it. Our Eclipse Java project is config...
d) This is how the project looks like in Eclipse as of now. That's all about configuration ofCucumber & Selenium WebDriverwithEclipse. Now you are ready to write your test script in eclipse.
How to perform validations on a CheckBox using Selenium WebDriver? Selenium Waits Commands By Harish Rajora 0 12 min read What are Selenium wait commands? How to use Implicit wait, explicit wait and fluent wait in Selenium? Launching Safari browser using Selenium By Virender Singh 0 1 min ...
When creating a Selenium-WebDriver automation suite, if one requires cross browser testing, the biggest headache is configuring all browsers mainly because configurations for every browser is done differently. This is where TestNow gem jumps in as an Asprin to cure your headache by taking care of...