IVsCodeDefViewContext IVsCodeShareHandler IVsCombinedBrowseComponentSet IVsCommandArgInfo IVsCommandWindow IVsCommandWindow2 IVsCommandWindowsCollection IVsCommentTaskInfo IVsCommentTaskToken IVsCommonMessagePump IVsCommonMessagePumpClientEvents IVsCommonMessagePumpFactory IVsComponentEnumeratorFactory IVsComponentEnumerato...
As far as I am aware, this only started about 1-2 weeks ago, possibly linked to an update of VSCode. I arrived here in an attempt to figure out if there was a new setting introduced in VSCode or cmake-tools that triggers this behavior. While writing this and with the above comments...
If you try to save a file in VSCode that cannot be edited by a non-root user (withoutsudo), you will get the following error:: Failed to save 'sshd_config': Unable to write file 'vscode-remote://ssh-remote+' (NoPermissions (FileSystemError): Error:...
This setting is used to facilitate package installation with proxy.releaseThis setting is used to set the package repository release.Note: The Graylog package repositories only use stable as a release so this setting should not be changed.
VScode Go Extension https://github.com/golang/vscode-go Get Go Check for current version atgo.dev We will get a fresh copy of Go, un-tar it in $HOME directory, and then rename it to include the version. This will be our current Go ROOT directory. ...
{ "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "kind": "BigDataCluster", "name": "mssql-cluster" }, "spec": { "resources": { "nmnode-0": {... }, "sparkhead": {... }, "zookeeper": {... }, "gateway": {... }, "appproxy": {... }, "master": {... }, "compute-0"...
打开Android studio 一天没用,结果运行的时候报错Error:Unknown host 'maven.aliyun.com'. You may need to adjust the proxy settings in Gradle. 但是之前一直都是好的,所以,重启了Android studio ,随便打开一个类,点击“try again”, try again... ...
编译QT是一件比较麻烦的事情。所以如果没有必要,就不要编译了。如果你只需要使用QT的一些基本功能,那么就只编译源码目录下的qtbase目录下的东西即可。 下面所介绍的都只是在linux下适用的(windows下使用MinGW也可以,QT提供的MinGW安装包是32位的,需要64位的可以参考)。
deepin:基于debain的发⾏版,Deepin原名Linux Deepin、deepin os、深度系统、深度操作系统,在2014年4⽉改名Deepin,由武汉深之度科技有限公司开发,被誉为“最美国产操作系统”,其以桌⾯应⽤为主的开源GNU/Linux操作系统,⽀持笔记本、台式机和⼀体机。
Nexus的仓库分为这么几类: hosted 宿主仓库:主要用于部署无法从公共仓库获取的构件(如 oracle 的 JDBC 驱动)以及自己或第三方的项目构件; proxy 代理仓库:代理公共的远程仓库; virtual 虚拟仓库:用于适配 Maven 1; group 仓库组:Nexus 通过仓库组的概念统一管理多个仓库,这样我们在项目中直接请求仓库组即可请求到仓库...