These were used in dev environments and are not intended to be fully supported but should provide some idea how to extend the information above to your own uses cases. Traefik Consul example - kschoche Kong and Traefik Ingress Controller examples - joatmon08 NGINX Ingress Controller example...
nginx-hello-nonroot/html-version/Dockerfile(dockerfile) nginx-hello-nonroot/plain-text-version/Dockerfile(dockerfile) nginx-hello/Dockerfile(dockerfile) nginx-hello/DockerfilePlainText(dockerfile) nginx-nms-docker/Dockerfile.automated(dockerfile) nginx-nms-docker/Dockerfile.manual(dockerfile) nginx-r...
syncing upstreams from etcd or consul and so on, dynamically updating backend servers attribute, not need to reload nginx for tcp protocol, stream configure. - yinyalan/nginx-stream-upsync-module
You can also install asdf to get exactly the same Node.js version used in the containers. curl (already installed on most systems) The four technologies listed in Tutorial Overview: messenger (you’ll download it in the next section), NGINX Open Source, Consul, and RabbitMQ....
Grafana es un software de código abierto que le permite consultar, visualizar, alertar y explorar métricas, registros y trazas. NGINXOpen Source es un servidor web de código abierto y un proxy inverso. NVIDIAData Center GPU Manager (DCGM) es un conjunto de h...
Update or renew SSL certificates for Nginx, RabbitMQ, or Consul Renew IdP certificates Backup or restore your Splunk SOAR (On-premises) instance backup and restore overview Back up adeployment Restorefrom a backup backup tools Use ibackup with warm standby ...
- MyMessage: "Welcome to Ansible world!" pre_tasks: - name: install python 2 raw: test -e /usr/bin/python || (apt -y update && apt install -y python-minimal) tasks: - name: Nginx setup apt: pkg=nginx state=installed update_cache=true ...
Update or renew SSL certificates for Nginx, RabbitMQ, or Consul Renew IdP certificates Backup or restore your Splunk SOAR (On-premises) instance backup and restore overview Back up a deployment Restore from a backup backup tools Use ibackup.pyc with warm standby Create and manage a...
consul_public_http_port: The consul HTTP API port. Other parameters Dependencies Ansible versions >= 2.8 Python >= 2.7.5 NGinx Example Hosts inventory file See tests/inventory for an example. Vars in role configuration Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables...
consul_public_http_prot: The consul Hypertext Transfer Protocol. consul_public_clients: List of public consul clients. consul_public_http_port: The consul HTTP API port. Other parameters There are some variables in vars/main.yml: Dependencies Ansible versions >= 2.8 Python >= 2.7.5 NGinx Elast...