1.进入本地端的文件夹,右键Git Bash; 2.输入命令: $ git config --global user.name"your_username"# 配置用户名 $ git config--global user.email"your_email"# 配置邮箱 3.重新提交测试即可。
请将 "your.email@example.com" 替换为你的实际邮箱地址。 bash git config --global user.email "your.email@example.com" 同样,这个命令也是全局设置,会应用到你的所有 Git 仓库。 确认配置已正确设置: 使用以下命令来列出你的全局 Git 配置,以确认 user.name 和user.email 是否已经正确设置。 bash git...
gitconfiguser.name name gitconfiguser.email email@email.com 本来试了几次没成功,因为搜的文章里都是 // 配置邮箱gitconfig--globaluser.email"you@example.com"// 配置用户名gitconfig--globaluser.name"Your Name" 我在最后加了双引号 所以一直没成功...
git config --global user.name "JUnit Team" git config --global user.email "team@junit.org" - name: Upload Documentation if: github.event_name == 'push' && github.repository == 'junit-team/junit5' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' uses: ./.github/actions/run-gradle 0 comments on...
Customize how Git works and how you interact with it using the Git config command. Learn how to Git config username, Git config email, the hierarchy of the Git config commands, and more.
1. 首先找到git的安装目录,定位到bin目录下 C:\Program Files\Git\bin> 1. 2. 打开vscode的终端(terminal),在该终端跳转到上面目录 ,运行命令 PS C:\> cd'.\Program Files\Git\bin'PS C:\Program Files\Git\bin> git config --globaluser.name"xxx" ...
fatal: no email was given and auto-detection is disabled 按照提示进行设置,仍然出现这个问题 解决办法 不用global选项, git config user.email "you@example.com" git config user.name "Your Name" 再次进行commit操作,就没问题了。 原因 原因可能是git没有权限去读取/更改global的配置。 Reference https:/...
The next, I faced error when clicking on commit button. The error was "Make sure you configure your "user.name" and "user.email" in git." or "Git: *** Please tell me who you are", Clicking on open git log, shows Output whats going wrong. ...
git config --global user.name "Your Name" git config --global user.email "name@xyz.com" Updating the default editor can be done by specifying the path to the editor.git config --global core.editor "path_to_editor.exe"Next unit: Compare and contrast local and remote repositories Previous...
You can adjust theNameandEmailaddress from “Administrator” and “admin@example.com” to something more accurate. The name you select will be displayed to other users, while the email will be used for default avatar detection, notifications, Git actions through the interface, and more: ...