You can set up global "git config" settings that apply to all git projects on your system. In this lesson, we review how the./gitconfigfile works. We then add our own git config settings: username, email, editor, and git aliases. There are many other git config commands that can be ...
git config –global “Your Name” git config –global “” “` 3. 设置默认编辑器:Git使用默认编辑器进行提交说明(commit messages)。您可以通过运行以下命令来设置自己喜欢的编辑器: “` git config –global core.editor “Your Preferred Editor” “` 请将“...
解决步骤: 1.进入本地端的文件夹,右键Git Bash; 2.输入命令: $ git config --global"your_username"# 配置用户名 $ git config--global"your_email"# 配置邮箱 3.重新提交测试即可。
Global: These settings are applied to all repositories for the current user. The settings are stored in a.gitconfigfile that you can find atC:\users\$user\.gitconfig. Your username and user e-mail settings are configured on a global level. Each user on the machine has its own .gitconfig...
git config --global "Your Name" git config --global "" Updating the default editor can be done by specifying the path to the editor. git config --global core.editor "path_to_editor.exe" Next unit: Compare and contrast local and remote repositories ...
AC_DEFUN([GIT_CONF_SUBST], [AC_REQUIRE([GIT_CONF_SUBST_INIT]) config_appended_defs="$config_appended_defs${newline}dnl $1=m4_if([$#],[1],[${$1}],[$2])"]) # GIT_CONF_SUBST_INIT # --- # Prepare shell variables...
Customize how Git works and how you interact with it using the Git config command. Learn how to Git config username, Git config email, the hierarchy of the Git config commands, and more.
Pour éviter ce problème, activez les noms de chemin d’accès longs en exécutant la commande suivante en tant qu’administrateur : git config --global core.longpaths trueCréez un dossier GitHub sur votre ordinateur local. Par exemple, C:\GitHub. (Ne clonez pas le dépôt dans un ...
$ git config --global core.editor 'nano' In this case, we [–global]ly set thecore.editortonano. If we want to only configure the core editor for a specific repository, we run the command without the–globalflag from the root of that repository. ...
# GIT_CONF_SUBST_INIT # --- # Prepare shell variables and autoconf machine required by later calls # to GIT_CONF_SUBST. AC_DEFUN([GIT_CONF_SUBST_INIT], [config_appended_defs=; newline=' ' AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([$config_file], [echo "$config_appended...