To refresh data in your Power BI report in Power BI Report Server, you must create a scheduled refresh plan. You create this plan in the Manage area of a Power BI report on the report server.Configure data source credentialsYou need the necessary permissions to create a scheduled refresh ...
I have a web API data source connection configured using URL and header parameters with token authentication I power query. I want to configure the same data source connection using the same credentials in the Power BI service to set up a scheduled refresh for the data set. ...
Under Services to which this account can present delegated credentials, select Add. In the new dialog box, select Users or Computers. Enter the service account for the data source, and then select OK. For example, a SQL Server data source can have a service account like Contoso\SQLService....
If Power BI can't sign in to the data sources, you see an error in Data source credentials.On-premises data gatewayIf you're using the on-premises data gateway to refresh data, you don't need to supply credentials, as they're defined for the data source by the gateway administrator....
In the Power BI mobile app, connect to your report server instance. To connect, enter the External URL for the application you published through Application Proxy. Select Connect. You'll be directed to the Microsoft Entra sign-in page. Enter valid credentials for your user and select Sign in...
Don't select ReportServerTempDB. It's used only for storing temporary data when processing reports. If the database list is empty, repeat the previous four steps to establish a connection to the server. In the Credentials page, select the type of account and credentials that the report ...
database, the connection information is updated to use the new account or password. Updating the connection information requires that you connect to the database. If the SQL ServerDatabase Connectiondialog box appears, enter credentials that have permission to connect to the database, and then ...
Report Builder opens its own connection to a report server. If you're not using Windows integrated security with single sign-on, users must reenter their credentials for the Report Builder connection to the report server. Feedback Was this page helpful?
SQL Server Database Engine /ENABLERANUOptional Enables run-as credentials for SQL Server Express installations. SQL Server Database Engine /INSTALLSQLDATADIROptional Specifies the data directory for SQL Server data files.Default values:For WOW mode on 64-bit: %Program Files(x86)%\Microsoft SQL Ser...
"Data Source Migration" 1 "Integration Challenges" 2 "regelmäßige sicherung" 1 "SAP BW 7.4" 1 "SAP BW" 5 "SAP VARIANT CONFIGURAITION 2 "SAP_BUILD_APPS" 1 "SAPDatasphere" 3 "TypeScript" "Development" "FeedBack" 1 *SAP" 1 -147 Get CurrentUserInfo failed 1 ...