provider"aws"{region="us-east-2"}terraform{required_version="1.5.7"required_providers{aws=">= 5.0.0"}} As you may see, in this file we have two configuration blocks: terraform: The specialconfiguration blocktype is used to configure some behaviours of Terraform itself, such as requi...
With Terraform, you can manage AWS services and custom defined provisioning logic. You create a configuration file that describes to Terraform the components needed to run a single application or your entire AWS footprint. When Terraform consumes the configuration file, it generates an execution plan...
Terraform module to configure an AWS WAF with common managed rule sets - vigetlabs/terraform-aws-waf
To work with CloudFront, you must also specify the region us-east-1 (N. Virginia) on the AWS provider. string "REGIONAL" no tags A map of tags (key-value pairs) passed to resources. map(string) {} no visibility_config Visibility config for WAFv2 web acl.
Supported in the Terraform provider since v2.12.0. terraform Copy resource "grafana_sso_settings" "generic_sso_settings" { provider_name = "generic_oauth" oauth2_settings { name = "Auth0" auth_url = "https://<domain>/authorize" token_url = "https://<domain>/oauth/token" api_url =...
You can use an AWS reference deployment of Magento that uses additional components, such as an Amazon RDS database:Terraform Magento Adobe Commerce on AWS. Be sure to enable session persistence. Magento uses a shopping cart, and this helps ensure that customers who make multiple visits across ...
- aws_hcp_consul in .terraform/modules/aws_hcp_consul Downloading 3.10.0 for vpc... - vpc in .terraform/modules/vpc Initializing the backend... Initializing provider plugins... - Reusing previous version of hashicorp/hcp from the dependency ...
aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name${ECR_REPOSITORY}--region${AWS_REGION}--forceaws s3 rb s3://$S3_BUCKET--region${AWS_REGION}--forcecd~/environment/terraform-aws-eks-blueprints/examples/ipv4-prefix-delegation/ terraform destroy --auto-approvecd~/environment/rm-...
Para obtener más información sobre el formato de registro personalizado, consulte la AWSdocumentación. Registros de flujo locales Ejemplo de sintaxis para agregar registros de flujo locales a un VPC módulo en Terraform con los permisos necesarios Este código crea u...
$ terraform -chdir=2-vm-consul-client/ init Initializing modules... Initializing the backend... Initializing provider plugins... ... Terraform has been successfully initialized! ... Then, deploy the resources. Confirm the run by entering yes. $ terraform -chdir=2-vm-consul-client/ apply #...