在项目android的MainActivity.kt同级文件夹下创建MyApp.kt,内容如下 ``` package com.xxxx.xxximport android.util.Logimport io.flutter.app.FlutterApplicationimport com.umeng.commonsdk.UMConfigureclass MyApp : FlutterApplication() { overridefun onCreate() {super.onCreate() Log.i("UMENG", "--->>>...
FlutterSDK下载 目前我使用的版本是1.17.4,1.17.5安装后找到flutterSDK原因未知 Java环境 选择Mac OS X x64 同意协议且注册后可下载安装包 Android Studio 下载最新版本 vs code 下载最新版本(可选) 配置Flutter环境变量 将下载好的flutter文件夹拖到任意位置中(我是拖到mac根目录下,所以我的路径是/Users/mac/fl...
Configure video download in ApsaraVideo Player SDK for Flutter Configure video download in ApsaraVideo Player SDK for Windows Obtain the unique app identifier Android The signature information of an Android app is the SHA-1 fingerprint of the keystore. You can run the signingReport task in Android ...
Install the Flutter SDK0:11 To install the Flutter SDK and add them as dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file, in a terminal run:Import Cloudinary into your project0:22 To import Cloudinary into your project use:Configure Cloudinary0:33 To configure the SDK for your product environment, ...
[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.22.3, on macOS 14.3 23D56 darwin-arm64, locale en-VN) [✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 34.0.0) [✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 15.4) [✓] Chrome - develop for the web [✓] Android St...
Android iOS Capacitor Cordova .NET MAUI Flutter React Native Unity Unreal Engine Xamarin Use the methods below to change default mobile monitoring settings. All settings, including the call to invoke the agent, are called in theonCreatemethod of theMainActivityclass. ...
the New Relic mobile monitoring UI, regardless of the app's name when installed on a mobile device. If you're using a hybrid framework such as Flutter or React Native and deploying to both iOS and Android platforms, you'll need to use separate tokens, one for iOS and one for Android....
1.打开gradle-wrapper.properties文件 2.直接看最后一行,后面是版本号,改成你已经下载好的版本,或者改为可以运行项目的版本 3.打开项目根目录下的build.gradle,修改对应的classpath 然后Try Again就ok了,或者Tools >Android> Sync Project with Gradle Files ...
Atlas Device SDKs / Flutter SDK / Realm Database Atlas Device SDK 已弃用。 有关详细信息,请参阅弃用页面。 打开Realm 使用配置类来控制要打开的域的细节,包括模式。 打开仅限本地的 Realm 要创建仅在本地保存数据的域,请使用Configuration.Local ()创建配置。您必须提供一个模式列表作为参数。
ApsaraVideo Player SDK for Androidでのビデオダウンロードの設定 ApsaraVideo Player SDK for iOSでのビデオダウンロードの設定 ApsaraVideo Player SDK for Flutterでのビデオダウンロードの設定 ApsaraVideo Player SDK for Windowsでのビデオダウンロードの設定 ...