如果一切顺利,你应该不会再看到 readline library not found 的错误,并且 PostgreSQL 将能够成功编译和安装。 总结 确认并理解错误信息。 检查并安装必要的开发包(readline-devel)。 重新配置和编译你的软件。 这些步骤应该能帮助你解决在编译 PostgreSQL 时遇到的 readline 库问题。
安装PostgreSQL 时报错,以下 configure:error: readlinelibrarynotfoundIfyou have readline already installed, see config.logfordetailsonthefailure. Itispossible the compiler isn'tlookinginthe proper directory.Use--without-readline to disable readline support. 解决 检查系统是否安装readline包 rpm -qa |greprea...
如果执行的过程中报如下错误: configure: error: readline library not found 解决方案: 安装失败时会提示执行./configure加上--without-readline选项,不编译readline: If you have readline already installed, see config.log for details on the failure. It is possible the compiler isn't looking in the proper...
configure: error: readline library not found If you have readline already installed, see config.log for details on the failure. It is possible the compiler isnt looking in the proper directory. Use --without-readline to disable readline support. 根据提示,应该是没有安装 readline包。 3 检查系统...
configure: error: readline library not found If you have readline already installed, see config.log for details on the failure. It is possible the compiler isn't looking in the proper directory. Use --without-readline to disable readline support. ...
过程中报以下错误,configure: error: readline library not found,同事说已经在系统中安装 readline 包了,让我帮他看下。 1 环境信息 OS: CentOS release 5.2(Final) PG: postgresql-9.0.0] 2 根据提示,我测试了下 configre命令,果然报这个错 [root@HK81-107postgresql-9.0.0]# ./configure ...
过程中报以下错误,configure: error: readline library not found ,可是我在系统中安装 readline 包了, 1 环境信息 2 根据提示,测试了下 configre命令,果然报这个错 [root@HK81-107 postgresql-9.0.0]# ./configure checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu ...
configure: error: readline library not found instructions: completed theprerequisites cloned yugabyte-db from the github repository ran: ./yb_build.sh release --with-assembly The build failed during psql(common) build. The attached file build-error.log is a copy and paste of the display output...
简介:configure: error: readline library not found/libreadline.so: undefined reference to tputs 编译时显示错误: configure: error: readline library not found 确定编译readline https://blog.csdn.net/quantum7/article/details/106175380 看看config.log ...
#yum install readline-dev; readline 也就是命令行编辑,关闭的话,你直接用psql 就不能编辑命令行,如果输错指令,不能回滚命令历史记录,只能手工重新输入。 在安装postgreSQL的过程中遇到一个问题,在执行 configure 过程中报以下错误,configure: error: readline library not found ,可是我在系统中安装 ...