Configuration-as-Code是提高软件部署效率、确保配置一致性、加强配置管理可追踪性的有效方法。通过选择合适的工具,实施版本控制和CI/CD集成,以及提供适当的文档和培训,我们可以充分利用Configuration-as-Code带来的好处,推动软件开发和部署的现代化进程。 在我们继续探索Configuration-as-Code的旅程中,不妨思考如何将这一实...
导出配置 curl -X POST -u admin:112e74ac1ded9b9af4854e594405819df9 http://localhost:8080/configuration-as-code/export 查看Schema curl -X POST -u admin:112e74ac1ded9b9af4854e594405819df9 http://localhost:8080/configuration-as-code/schema 重新加载配置 curl -X POST -u admin:112e74ac1ded...
该URL指向jenkinsci的Configuration-as-code-pluginGitHub存储库。 此仓库有几个分支,每个分支都有一个Jenkinsfile。 要将新配置上传到Jenkins,请导航至Manage Jenkins-> Configuration-as-Code,然后在URL中将配置源替换为,粘贴URL: https:/...
我们这里使用的是最新版的 vault,需要我们使用 KV(Key-Value Secrets Engine)HTTP API V2 版本来访问数据,因为新版本的Configuration as Code插件使用的就在 V2 版本,运行容器后,我们可以从控制台日志中获取到用于对 Vault 进行身份验证的令牌: $ docker logs -f vault==> Vault server configuration: Api Address...
Configuration as Code vs. Infrastructure as Code Configuration as code (referred to as CasC or CAC) andInfrastructure as Code (IaC)are often referred to as the same thing. But IaC is about managing your IT infrastructure. This includes servers, networking, load balancing, and security. ...
define build configurations for TeamCity. We will start with the basics on how to get started with configuration-as-code in TeamCity. We will then dive into the practicalities of using Kotlin DSL for build configurations. Finally, we will take a look at advanced topics such as extending the ...
Click File -> Preferences... -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven. Maven home directory: has /path/to/apache-maven-x.y.z value, not Bundled (Maven 3). Open http://localhost:8080/jenkins/configuration-as-code/ to test the plugin locally.CLI...
Microsoft 365 DSC, Github Actions and Azure DevOps to help you understand the similarities and differences of using these tools. It’s up to you to decide which tools work best for your IT processes, internal technical expertise, and help you achieve your configuration as code goals f...
configuration-as-code-1.17 configuration-as-code-1.16 configuration-as-code-1.15 克隆/下载 克隆/下载 HTTPS SSH SVN SVN+SSH 下载ZIP 该操作需登录 Gitee 帐号,请先登录后再操作。 立即登录 没有帐号,去注册 提示 下载代码请复制以下命令到终端执行 为确保你提交的代码身份被 Gitee 正确识别,请执行...
To install CLI runpip install gitlab-configuration-as-code. Then you can simply execute gcasc //TODO add more information on CLI usage Currently, CLI is limited and does not support passing any arguments to it, but behavior can only be configured using environment variables. Support for CLI ...