3.安装MECM/SCCM所需的Windows 组件: Add-WindowsFeature Web-Windows-Auth,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-Metabase,Web-WMI,BITS,RDC,NET-Framework-Features,Web-Asp-Net,Web-Asp-Net45,NET-HTTP-Activation,NET-Non-HTTP-Activ,Web-Static-Content,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Dir-Browsing,Web-Http-Errors,Web-Http-Redirect,...
1.在提示界面点击 OK 后,进入SCCM Configuration Manager,然后是 administrator - Overviewer - Site Configuration - Sites - Add Site System Roles: 2.在弹出的对话框中保持默认设置 Next : 3.一路默认到 System Roles Selection - Service connection point - Next : 4.这里选择 Offline, on-demand connectio...
For more information, see Install the Configuration Manager console.The simplest method to open the console on a Windows computer is to go to Start and start typing Configuration Manager console. You may not need to type the entire string for Windows to find the best match....
Failed to connect to named pipe opened by AdminConsole of Configuration Manager, gle=5 Failed to connect to remote Distribution Point in SCCM2012 Sp1 RTM Failed to create certificate store from encoded certificate.. An error occurred during encode or decode operation. (Error: 80092002; Source: Wi...
Configuration Manager documentation Configuration Manager Blog Send us feedback directly from the console Tags cm current branch244 Topics software update management104 Topics General92 Topics Operating System Deployment85 Topics App Management62 Topics Site Setup and client deployment61 Topics SCCM38 Topics...
SCCM软件更新管理基础知识 1软件更新管理的重要性 在企业环境中,软件更新管理(SoftwareUpdateManagement,SUM)是确保所有系统运行最新、最安全软件版本的关键实践。这有助于预防安全漏洞,满足合规性要求,以及提升整体的IT环境效率和性能。MicrosoftSystemCenterConfigurationManager(SCCM),作为一套广泛使用的工具,提供了强大的功...
One use of this information could be checking that all computers actually have the SCCM client installed. Your clients that show up in the Configuration Manager Console are based on the discovery methods you have set up. For example, if you use Active Directory System Discovery, a list of ...
PCK.1 as C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\despoolr.box\receive\ds_r7or9.pkg 內容庫:C:\SCCMContentLib 從C:\SMSPKG\CAS10001擷取。PCK.temp 擷取套件CAS10001 擷取內容 CAS10001.1 撰寫CAS10001的套件定義 套件CAS10001 (版本 0) 存在於散發來源中,請將較新版本儲存 (第 1 版)...
This ID is the Settings ID in the console, and the SettingsID property on the SMS_ClientSettings WMI class. You can use the Get-CMClientSetting cmdlet to get this property. For example, (Get-CMClientSetting -Name "Remote control").SettingsID Expand table Type: String Aliases: Client...
Overview ofClient Online Status in SCCMConsole Configuration Manager ConfigMgr. I provided a bit more details about theClient’sonline status & Types in theSCCMconsole, related components, SQL tables, and Logs. As we all know, theclient’sonline status indicates whether the computer is online or...