Configuration management tools are not strictly testing tools either, but good configuration management is critical for controlled testing. To understand this better let us take an example, a test group started testing the software, expecting to find the usual quite high number of problems. But to...
In larger organizations and enterprises, the configuration management process can also integrate provisioning, change management, reporting, and other control processes. What Do Configuration Management Tools Do? Configuration management tools assess configurations, establish baselines, manage changes, and remedi...
In general, effective configuration management requires multiple tools to build and maintain an efficient infrastructure. Moreover, all CM tools have idiosyncrasies with master/masterless approaches, agent software installations and numerous server deployments. The goal for IT leaders and DevOps teams ...
SCM (Software Configuration Management) has substantially contributed as a mature, reliable and essential technology for successful software development, controlling changes and software evolution. In this scenario, tools that automate SCM have been proposed, developed and used in diverse software engineering...
You can use configuration management tools to implement the following in yourDevOps pipeline: Version control:Track and manage evolving software configurations. Automation:Cut down on repetitive tasks for setting up, deploying, and managing software configurations. ...
By integrating with configuration and resource management tools, including Ansible andTerraform, NetApp frees your operations team from time-consuming coding and quality assurance (finally, right?). Automatic provisioning of test environments gives developers the speed they need to innovate faster than eve...
any configuration management initiative must be approached with a high degree of testing, auditing and validation to ensure CM tools discover all elements in a reliable manner, generate meaningful documentation and reporting, provide adequate security and can adapt to inevitable changes in configurations ...
How does the configuration management process work? CM processes are driven by management tools that allow IT administrators to build a workstation or server with specific settings and then apply those settings to other assets. Used in concert withIT service management(as defined by the ITIL), CM...
Triangle MicroWorks provides a full range of software based testing tools to assist in the development of devices which incorporate the protocols supported by our source code libraries.61850 System Toolkit The 3 tools below may be purchased individually or as a complete toolkit that supports the ...
Chef Workstation: Everything You Need to Create and Test Policy-Based Configuration Management Automation Chef Workstation gives users all the tools they need to get started with Chef all in one easy-to-install package. Users can execute ad-hoc remote configuration tasks, perform remote scanning,...