Configuration management controls the chaos behind the scenes -- and inside the server racks -- of a business. Any given business, no matter how small or large, is powered by a multitude of processes, technologies and services. And ultimately, all of these activities impact one another -- an...
For a configuration management system to operate, it needs some form of mechanism in which to store the information it governs. Originally, this was called theconfiguration management database(CMDB); ITIL v3 introduced the concept of a configuration management system (CMS) to replace the CMDB. A...
Creates a consistent access point to routers for all network management information related to a device. Reduces the opportunity for duplicate IP addresses. Creates simple identification of a device showing location, device type, and purpose. Improves inventory management by providing a simpler method...
An IP address is configured for any interface, excluding the following configurations: is configured for the management network port, an IP address is configured for a loopback interface, and an IP address is configured for a DCN-related sub-interface. The undo pnp enable command ...
simple :)For more information no driver management please refer to the ConfigMgr online documentation library.Driver Management (Part 2) - Manageing drivers with MDT 2008 can be found here.This post was contributed by Ben Hunter a Consultant with Microsoft Services New Zealand....
using System.Management; using System.Text; using AppApproval.SCOService; using System.Data.Services.Client; using System.Linq; using System.Configuration; namespace AppApproval { public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { string strUser; ...
Configuration Management and Change Control It is a best practice to implement a configuration and change management process that can: 1. govern proposed changes, 2. identify possible security consequences, and 3. provide assurance that the current operational system is correct in version and configura...
Figure 4 Setup of simple test rig The controller is typically configured on a dedicated machine and controls many test agents, which are distributed on various test machines. With Lab Management, you can have the agents installed automatically on your environments (virtual machi...
Apollo is a reliable configuration management system suitable for microservice configuration management scenarios. - apolloconfig/apollo
Configuration management options Path delay mechanisms (peer-delay or delay request-response) The range and default values of all PTP configurable attributes and data set members The transport mechanisms required, permitted or prohibited The node types required, permitted, or pro...