(ret) or rsp_data == '': raise OPIExecError('Failed to get the mod patch file information') root_elem = etree.fromstring(rsp_data) namespaces = {'module-management' : 'urn:huawei:yang:huawei-module-management'} cur_mod_patch_files = [] node_path = 'module-management:module-...
FactoryConfigurationError(String) Create a newFactoryConfigurationErrorwith theStringspecified as an error message. C# [Android.Runtime.Register(".ctor","(Ljava/lang/String;)V","")]publicFactoryConfigurationError(string? msg); Parameters msg
Create a route-policy node and enter the route-policy view. route-policy route-policy-name matchMode node node Either of the following parameters can be used to define a matching mode: permit: configures the permit mode for the node. If a route matches the node, the device performs actions...
An example of good IP addresses to use for the private adapters is on node 1 and on node 2 with a subnet mask of Make sure that there is no value set in the Default Gateway box. On the WINS Address tab, click the heartbeat adapter ...
centos 后台运行node服务 centos no default or ui configuration,可能的情况:1.你硬盘有问题,换一个硬盘试试.2.光驱没接好或是有问题,你试以下看看光驱能不能用.3.BIOS没设置好,开机按下DEL进入BIOS,进入standardcmosfeatures在HaltOn选NoErrors,然后按F10保存.其他的要看
If neither key is present, the computer uses B-node if there are no WINS servers configured for the network. The computer uses H-node if there is at least one WINS server configured. RandomAdapter Key: Netbt\Parameters Value type: REG_DWORD - Boolean Valid range: 0 or 1 (False or ...
False Label NoOverriddenCreatedOn展开表 PropertyValue Description Date and time that the record was migrated. DisplayName Record Created On IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName overriddencreatedon RequiredLevel None Type DateTime CanChangeDateTimeBehavior False DateTimeBehavior UserLocal Form...
| command-messages { dual-ip-stack-support }| disable cause-source| echo-interval| error-response-handling| node-feature {cellular-iotnetwork-triggered-service-restoration |pgw-restart-notification } | path-failure detection-policy| private-extension overcharge-protection| rejec...
If No is specified, the client is installed on a temporary overlay that is cleared when the device is restarted. In this scenario, the Endpoint Protection client is not committed until another installation commits changes to the device. This is the default setting. Suppress any required computer...
If no element is specified, the operation retrieves records for all rollback point settings. # Copy the following text to the client to perform a <save-point>/<get-commits> operation: <rpc message-id="100" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"> <save-point> <get-commits> ...