Caused By: java.lang.AssertionError: Could not obtain the localhost address. The most likely cause is an error in the network configuration of this machine. 具体原因报错是问题是在hosts文件上面没有配置机器名对应的ip地址,打开/etc/hosts文件 在最下面配置一下: ip地址 机器名 机器名 我的配置前如下...
[translate] aprice-conscious 想价格[translate] aToo many things I don't know, thank you for allowing me to self-assertion so long 我不知道的许多事,谢谢那么长期允许我到自作主张[translate] a阳光墙纸网 Sunlight wallpaper net[translate]
debugassertionfailed unknownsoftwareexception shellexperiencehost是什么 stream redistribute system磁盘占用率100 ForegroundLockTimeout Initialization isconvergedupdatestackenabled改不了 securitycenter无法禁用 RegOwnershipEx 相关问题 ACPI configuration什么意思 您好。它的意思是 电源选项(设置) 欢迎来到Ste...
Error: AADSTS90020: The SAML 1.1 Assertion is missing ImmutableID of the user. Error: GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint, 0x80071126, The file or directory is not a reparse point. Error: Source Iphlpsvc, Event ID 4202 Error:0xC004F025 Access Denied: the requested action requires elevated privil...
刚装好HA,启动也正常,网页显示正常,但configuration.yaml里几乎没有东西 这是我的日志 Config ...
(errorCode=None, errorMessage="java.lang.AssertionError: Unknown token: [@-1,0:0='TOK_FILEFORMAT_GENERIC',<679>,0:-1]", sqlState=None, infoMessages=["*java.lang.RuntimeException:java.lang.AssertionError: Unknown token: [@-1,0:0='TOK_FILEFORMAT_GENERIC',<679>,0:-1]:19:1...
App Configuration nightly test runs are failing with: Stack trace: Unexpected error thrown: expected 'RestError' to equal 'AbortError' + expected - actual -RestError +AbortError AssertionError: Unexpected error thrown: expected 'RestError' to equal 'AbortError' ...
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constructor(private configService: ConfigService<{ database: { host: string } }>) { const dbHost = this.configService.get('', { infer: true })!; // typeof dbHost === "string" | // +--> non-null assertion operator } ...
Error 1762: configuration change has occurred 是什么情况 如何正确解决 原因:因为没有设置硬盘为第一启动项。1、首先按电脑电源键强制关机,然后重启该出现蓝屏的电脑。2、然后开机的时候不停地按“F2”按键,让电脑进入到BIOS页面中。3、然后在弹出来的窗口中按左右方